What Makes a Good Leader?
By Jennifer Pierce
When it comes to leadership, it feels like there’s this enormous gap between those in leadership and those of us who aren’t. Are they doing their jobs? Can we trust our leaders? Do they care for us?
Unificationists believe that the best leaders have a strong connection to God that guides their leadership.
February 20 was President’s Day in the United States, and, at this point in time, we have 46 Presidents, including our incumbent. Throughout our short time as a nation, we have chosen these leaders, and they have striven to lead us both at home and abroad. Results varied, but why?
In the United States, it seems like our leaders are less and less trustworthy. It could be because of the news cycle or the nature of social media, or just how dissatisfied my peers and I feel with the state of the nation. It can feel like our leaders are hypocrites: preaching about making a better country and then squabbling and making no significant changes (at least, that I can see).
There are, of course, a lot of unseen responsibilities and challenges when it comes to governing a nation. I hardly think I could do a better job, nor do I think my peers think they could do better either. That being said, it seems like the people we have entrusted our governance to spend more time concerned about their own interest and not our interest or the nation’s, or world’s, interest.
“Government should be both representative and responsible.”
President Biden gave his State of the Union speech recently. He outlined a lot of progress he and Congress have made. Honestly speaking, I was surprised at the number of initiatives he shared. Not to say I’ve studied any of them in-depth, but it was impressive to hear how our leaders have taken our struggles and turned them into these initiatives they believe will benefit the nation. But have they worked?
Peter Mair, Professor of Comparative Politics and Government, posits in his paper, Representative vs Responsible Government, that government should be both representative and responsible, but that those two characteristics are becoming more and more incompatible. It’s hard to be doing what the job demands and have a good read on public opinion at the same time. I agree that that is part of the issue.
But, ultimately, I think it’s something deeper. Our leaders seem to be missing a deeper love and loyalty to their constituents. One, that I think, comes from God.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the Mother of Peace, said this about good governance at the 2016 International Leadership Conference in the United Kingdom:
“Good governance is secured not only by the policies and laws of the political system. It is also necessary that those who hold positions of power be people of good character, guided by their conscience and universal moral principles. Good governance also depends upon a well-educated and morally responsible citizenry.
It is for this reason that, throughout history, religion has been an important factor in contributing to the moral and spiritual development of both the political leaders and the citizens. It is imperative that, within modern democratic systems, we do not lose sight of God, our creator and Heavenly Parent, nor of the spiritual principles and laws that have been taught throughout the ages.”
“It is imperative that...we do not lose sight of God.”
I wish so much to have better leaders all around the world. I also recognize there are many areas in my life in which I could lead the way I wish our leaders would. Adding on to what Dr. Moon has said, I think the qualities that make good leaders are compassion toward others and having an understanding of them, even in our differences. Leaders are also willing to help mediate conflicting sides and find solutions.These come most naturally when we are connected to our Heavenly Parent who loves and cares for us unconditionally.
In the State of the Union, President Biden said, “Folks, the story of America is a story of progress and resilience, of always moving forward, of never, ever giving up.” I appreciate this sentiment. I want all of our leaders to keep moving forward, our people to continue pushing forward and find a place where all people are cared for and loved the way God intended.