Get to know us
You may know us as the “Unification Church.” While our name has evolved, our mission has also grown. We focus on creating God’s dream for world peace through the global family.
Listen to the real stories of Unificationists.
Learn about our worldview.
When we are confronted with feelings of sadness or uncertainty, what can we do about it?
Specially designed to create an atmosphere of healing, renewal, and clarity, the Cheon Shim Won is a holy place. But prayer in there didn’t come easy for me.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. While we know therapy and medicine can help, we shouldn’t ignore the power of our Heavenly Parent’s support.
When I was younger, I struggled to understand how I could form a meaningful relationship with someone I only saw in pictures. But I wanted that to change.
What can we learn from the story of Cain and Abel? Plot twist: Abel was supposed to help Cain.
Living with God means a life of service to others. Does that mean only saints can do it?
In life, we often wonder about when things will happen and how they'll unfold. God’s timing is different than our own.
One key aspect of prayer in the Unificationist faith is the act of praying in our own name.
Growing up in a faith community can feel like your faith had no clear beginning and perhaps no real end. But ultimately, faith is a choice.
Sometimes we feel it is our inborn nature to hurt people, to lie, to cheat, to steal, to spread gossip. But is that how God made us?
If we listen to our Original Mind, it will tell us that hardship is just an opportunity for growth.
Change is a natural part of life, and it helps us grow–by facing these changes and learning to handle them.
In the grand symphony of our lives, there exists a timeless exchange – the relationship between giving and receiving.
Honoring your parents is not a particularly Western concept. Why do Unificationists consider it a spiritual practice?
There are many important aspects to a life of faith, but few are as personal and unique as our own story.
White dresses, smiling faces, and tears of gratitude. The Seong Hwa ceremony celebrates someone’s spirit ascending into the eternal spirit world.
Hoon Dok Hae is the daily practice of studying scripture. Why is it important to our lives of faith?
Unificationists celebrate True Children’s Day as a reminder that we are all children of God.
How can a being be infinite and everywhere, but also uniquely involved with each individual in the present?
Do we experience deeper satisfaction when we breeze easily through a task, or when we struggle and then succeed?

Family is the school of love.
Creating healthy and loving families is how we can create a peaceful society. That starts with you. Discover God’s divine purpose for your life.
The next step is building a family with the support of a community. Find out if the Marriage Blessing is for you.

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We have communities all over the country trying to make the world better, together.