1st Anniversary of Mother of Peace
A year ago on June 17, 2020, the powerful memoir by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Mother of Peace, was published and quickly became a U.S. bestseller. Tens of thousands of readers around the world have since discovered the never-before-told story of Dr. Moon, who grew up in war-torn Korea, and her journey of building a global interfaith movement alongside her late husband, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
“The word ‘sacrifice’ is mentioned throughout the book,” wrote one reviewer. “I found that profound because faith by itself is belief within the mind, but sacrifice is putting that faith into practice daily by one’s actions. Mother Moon has provided me with a model for self-reflection of my own faith and sacrifice to do God’s Will.”
“Mother of Peace is a powerful story of overcoming obstacles, with faith and determination,” wrote another reviewer. “This is an inspirational story of hope and peace which will give many people the strength to rise above their circumstances.”
After a year fraught with challenges, including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, let’s revisit the timeless stories and words of wisdom shared in Mother of Peace on this anniversary of its release.
Below is an excerpt from Mother of Peace:
I knew from a young age that God is my Father, and naturally connected everything I read to God… The question, “What can I sacrifice for God?” was shaping my life.
Without sacrifice and service, one cannot even begin to think one is living for the sake of others rather than for oneself. As I strictly cultivated my faith from a young age, I cherished a dream deep within my heart. That dream was to liberate my Heavenly Father who, throughout history, gave Himself for the salvation of humanity. I wished to free Him from the chains of our fallen history.
We cannot meet God from a position of reigning over others. He finds us when we are silently working for the sake of those in greater difficulty than ourselves. I came to know that when we think about God’s Will from the lower position, the position of offering and self-sacrifice, God’s bitterness washes away and He will come to us…
For more than 30 years, Father Moon and I have been promoting harmony between nationalities, races and religions through the marriage Blessing… As we have seen, the road to one world has many dimensions. It is a literal road bonding nations together; it is an embrace of enemies who become brothers; it is turning a war zone into a peace garden, and it is the uniting of men and women of diverse races into literal marriages that recreate the world as one family under our Heavenly Parent. As the Mother of peace, I am calling the world’s nearly eight billion people to travel this road together with me.
You can get your copy of Mother of Peace here.