2023: The Year to Realize God’s Dream
Photo courtesy of Xan Griffin
“We all have dreams and try to realize our dreams in our daily life,” said Dr. Ki Hoon Kim, chair of the World Christian Leadership Conference (WCLC) steering committee. “Everyone must make a joyful life for the sake of others centering on God,” he said. “God has shown us very clearly His dream will be realized when we all become one as God’s sons and daughters.”
In this new year, faith leaders are calling for the fulfillment of God’s dream — to usher in the kingdom of heaven on earth with all people united as one family. “It’s a high value life that we’re dreaming of, cherishing, and trying to realize every day of life,” said Dr. Kim during the WCLC’s first webinar of 2023, “The Year to Realize Heavenly Parent’s Dream,” which streamed live on Jan. 25.
“Jesus’s dream was none other than to build God’s kingdom on earth; however, due to the people’s disbelief and rejection, his dream — God’s kingdom — has not been realized yet,” he said. “But God shared with us, ‘I have spoken, and I will bring to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it,’ he said, quoting Isaiah 46:11 from the Bible, which speaks of God’s promise to bring to pass what He has planned.
The webinar, emceed by Dr. Tanya Edwards, WCLC director of international affairs, featured several faith leaders who shared messages of inspiration and encouragement as the new year advances. The WCLC was founded by True Mother in 2019 in an effort to unite the Body of Christ and align Christian leaders with the same goal of shepherding peaceful families centered on God.
“By transcending borders of denomination, race, creed, and culture, let us realize God’s dream by becoming united, blessed families and CheonBo couples united with True Mother,” said Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) national co-chair emeritus. “In that way, we can newly cherish and embrace people in all situations regardless of the way in which they choose to express or manifest their religious convictions.”
Dr. Luonne Rouse, ACLC national co-chair, said the WCLC is the “greatest opportunity” to address the world’s problems, including poverty, inequality, and global conflict. “To address these issues, we must come together as a global community and work together to create a better future,” he said. “The power of world Christian leadership has longevity and prosperity.”
Bishop Nancy Rosario, senior pastor of the Church of God’s Children in New York, noted WCLC’s focus on family values, empathy and kindness, honesty and integrity, as well as perseverance, as shown by True Parents. “WCLC is dedicating all its efforts toward the realization of peace and unification in the world,” she said. “Peace is the history of Father and Mother Moon.”
“We are called to bear good fruit,” she continued. “It is the evidence of Christ within us, and good fruit only comes from the tree of life. We must be branches of this tree.”
WCLC Steering Committee members spoke of how to realize God’s dream through the organization’s vision rooted in the teachings of its founders. “God, as our Heavenly Parent, had His dream to fulfill His Will and purpose of creation with the kingdom of heaven on earth,” said Dr. Kim. “This is our ongoing mission. This year, more than before, let us come together and commit together with new determination to realize God’s dream, True Parents’ dream, and everyone’s dream to become one family under our Heavenly Parent.”
You can learn more about the World Christian Leadership Conference here.