34th Blessing Anniversary of 72 Couples and 1,275 Couples
Photo courtesy of the SunHak Institute of History USA
Happy 34th anniversary to all the participants of the 72 Couples Holy Blessing, and the 1,275 Couples Holy Blessing!
On Jan. 11, 1989, True Parents officiated the Marriage Blessing of 72 Unificationist-born couples at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center in Seoul. True Father said, in addition to the Blessing of 36 Unificationist-born couples three years earlier, the victory of the 72 couples Blessing could be likened to the complete restoration of the 12 apostles and 72 disciples at the time of Jesus.
Photo courtesy of the SunHak Institute of History USA
The next day, on Jan. 12, 1989, True Parents blessed 1,275 couples from 87 nations at the Il Hwa Company compound in Yongin, South Korea. After the ceremony, representatives of the couples were separated into 43 groups of 10 each and spread out across Korea to support witnessing activities, and later, the distribution of the Segye Ilbo newspaper.
Congratulations to all the couples celebrating their Blessing anniversary!