A Spiritual ‘Resurgence’ with True Mother
Photos courtesy of Graeme Carmichael
True Mother’s recent Las Vegas visit October 7 and 8 for the “Resurgence” event saw many participants experience a powerful reawakening of their own spirituality and faith. The weekend program at IPEC, where True Mother delivered a special message, brought together some 1,500 young people and numerous faith leaders from across the country.
An engaging one-day workshop for Unificationist youth “prepared their hearts” to see True Mother, said National CARP USA President Jinil Fleischman. “[True Mother] encouraged the youth to be ‘pure water’ who can cleanse this world and support her in establishing the substantial Cheon Il Guk,” he said. “Mother was full of joy, and everyone felt determined to unite with True Mother in fulfilling God’s Will.”
True Mother’s trip to America ushers in a new era of her mission as the Only Begotten Daughter. Below are some reflections from participants.
“I was truly moved by her motherly heart as [True Mother] was so calm and created a family atmosphere ... I felt like we were all her children and everyone was my brother and sister there working together to bring America back to God.” — Josef, 21
“Just simply seeing her, seeing her smile, seeing her heart, seeing her cry, and learning what’s been on her heart resurged my heart and spirit. Seeing the picture of her walking with her great-granddaughter melted my heart; to see Mother enjoying her time with her family makes me so happy and relieved, since she was not able to do that so much with her own children.”
— Anonymous, 25
“[The weekend] resulted into a powerful experience of holiness, joy, and celebration ... In meeting True Mother ... [we felt] at home in the totality of what we are to believe... To come and hear True Mother again and affirm our belief in True Parents, and to recognize what a powerful transformative experience [it is] to be living at this time with the Only Begotten Daughter in charge of bringing all of the world into a right relationship with God and with one another [is incredible].” — Dr. Luonne Rouse, ACLC National Co-Chair
“I really felt that Mother really cared about our hearts and really needs our support. She wants us to unite with her, and to be part of this amazing time.” — Edward, 33
“It was beautiful to see that True Mother cares so much about the youth and next generation of our movement.” — Anonymous, 16
“I realize that now the Abernathy family can actually become a national tribal messiah family ... I'm serving the same God as True Mother serves. We are serving the almighty Heavenly Parent who is powerful — a healer, a savior — and this is a great day to celebrate.” — Dr. Mark Abernathy, ACLC National Co-President
You can share your testimony from the Resurgence event at iseo@unification.org.