‘Become A Light for the World’
For many young students, the rising cost of college can hinder their pursuit of higher education. However, last month, 23 outstanding young Unificationists from across the U.S. and Canada were awarded Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s 2021 Pyeongae Scholarship, totaling $46,000 in aid to support their academic dreams.
“I am speechless and grateful!” exclaimed Johanna van Galen, a recipient and sophomore at Chabot College in Northern California. Van Galen, who is studying business management, is also very involved in her local youth ministry and Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) chapter in the Bay Area. “I am moved by True Mother’s trust and investment in the young generations,” she said. “I won’t take this gift for granted and I am excited for the future!”
True Mother is an affectionate term for Dr. Moon, co-founder of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), who established the Pyeongae Scholarship in early 2013 after the ascension of her husband and FFWPU co-founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon in 2012. The scholarship, awarded through the Hyo Jeong World Peace Foundation, gives each recipient $2,000 toward their education.
“True Mother really recognized the need to invest into the future generations,” said CARP National President Jinil Fleischman, a former Pyeongae Scholarship recipient. “She sold [their] helicopter and used the money as the seed money to establish this scholarship fund, which shows her heart to invest into future generations.”
For the past eight years, the annual scholarship recognizes and awards a number of Unificationists pursuing higher education who publicly serve their communities in various capacities. All recipients are actively seeking to make a difference in the world through their life of faith and giving back.
“True Mother can’t physically be with each of us, but this is one way that she can substantially support our young people who are really rising up as young leaders,” said Fleischman, who hosted a virtual awards ceremony on Zoom for the 2021 recipients on March 28.
“You scholarship students have grown up in different cultures all around the world,” said Dr. Moon in 2019 during her speech at the live scholarship awards ceremony in South Korea. “I ask you to become a light for the world… To embrace all humankind, I am investing in many areas. I pray that your efforts and your studies can bear much fruit in those areas.”
From nursing, to cognitive neuroscience and international relations, undergraduate and graduate students studying a range of disciplines received extra help that made a difference.
“This award will go toward my expenses for my final semester of university,” said CARP Los Angeles chapter leader Ori Rodriguez, who is a senior studying psychology at Cal State University, Fullerton. “I promise to do my best while working alongside my peers to bring about change in this world.”
“My local pastor and his wife wrote a recommendation for me despite their busy schedule,” said Myria Miambi Koko, an assistant pastor and graduate student studying taxation at Georgia State University. “I feel a lot of love from my community and from True Mother who values and appreciates the youth’s desire for higher education.”
Recipients felt humbled to be selected for the scholarship among many deserving applicants. “Receiving this scholarship is another reminder that putting God first and foremost opens the door for blessings,” said Ryusei Taguchi, a freshman with a double major in human development and English at the University of Maryland, College Park. Taguchi is also part of the local Youth and Young Adult Ministry (YAYAM). “There were times when I attended [church study] instead of doing homework,” he said.
Soonmee Iwasaki, a sophomore studying communications at the Community College of Philadelphia, also felt God’s blessing as a recipient. “I was praying moments before receiving the notification,” she said. “I couldn’t stop smiling. Receiving this scholarship was like receiving direct help and encouragement from True Mother and I am so grateful.” Iwasaki is a local Youth and Students for Peace (YSP) coordinator and assistant pastor. She also co-hosts a podcast featuring young leaders.
The awards ceremony, which included heartfelt messages of thanks from each recipient, concluded with congratulatory remarks from FFWPU-USA Regional President Dr. Chung Sik Yong and National President Rev. Naokimi Ushiroda.
“True Parents have always been committed to supporting young leaders,” said Dr. Yong. “Education shapes young people, who shape the future. For a bright future, it is absolutely necessary to raise up youth of talent, wisdom, and virtue.”
“There were many great candidates,” added Rev. Naokimi. “Each of you demonstrated a greater good in your communities… With blessings come responsibilities, so I want to encourage you to continue to do your best in both your studies and your public work.”
You can watch the full 2021 Pyeongae Scholarship Awards Ceremony here.