CARP Celebrates 57 Years
Photo courtesy of CARP USA
January 10 marks the 57th anniversary of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), which was established in 1966 by True Parents inside the main hall of the movement’s headquarters in Cheongpa-dong, Seoul. CARP members from 26 universities in various countries participated in the inaugural event.
With three core principles — God, family and peace — True Parents held the vision for young people to be educated in serving the world before serving themselves, their families, and their nations. True Parents hoped that CARP would provide the environment and tools youth need to flourish internally and externally.
Over nearly six decades, CARP has ballooned into a powerful global presence. In the US alone, some 44 chapters on campuses nationwide continue to expand and grow, increasing 29.4 percent in the 2021-2022 academic year. CARP USA’s annual report, which highlighted a range of activities and programs involving 220 CARP leaders and more than 250 CARP members, showcased how the national movement has aligned with True Mother’s goal of engaging more young people to revive the faith of America.
“Education is necessary in order to save America and raise up second and third generations,” said True Mother in April 2022. “So with confidence, we need to show that we have the power so that people can follow heaven’s providence. One way or another, America must help the world providence by becoming a self-reliant America by increasing membership. It is our responsibility to educate and nurture the second generation so that they can contribute to the providence.”
CARP USA aims to have 1,200 chapters nationwide and 30,000 members by 2027. A delegation of 120 student leaders will also head to Korea by summer 2023. CARP leaders said they anticipate a great year ahead.
You can view the full 2021-2022 CARP report here.