CIG Youth Missionaries Transform Lives
Photos courtesy of CIGYM
“The past few months have been very eventful and exciting,” said a second-year CIG youth missionary in Kosovo. “We were able to reflect with great determination for this year.”
The six teams of Cheon Il Guk Youth Missionaries (CIGYM) who departed the U.S. last fall to share about the Unification faith abroad have had a whirlwind experience so far. Due back in April from Kosovo, Romania, Israel, Zambia, Peru, and the Dominican Republic, the teams have undergone a series of workshops and lectures; witnessing and fundraising outings; reflection retreats; various team-building exercises; a range of outdoor activities; and unforgettable moments that will last a lifetime.
“We welcomed a new young adult missionary to our team, and we’re very excited to be with her as we invest in Kosovo together,” said the CIG missionary, whose guest joined their group. “In the very beginning of this mission ... I struggled a lot but overcame it. [Witnessing] has helped me to overcome so much of my fallen nature, to be unchanging and unconditional toward people. Now in this position [as a spiritual parent], I feel that I’m able to really care for her and others.”
Persistence and faith has brought each team tremendous success in their mission country. In Israel, the team’s presence even created renewed hope and inspiration among the local Unificationist community. “It’s been a great privilege to work with the CIG team,” said Mr. Umberto Angelucci, Middle East sub-regional president. “We stay together in the same place in Jerusalem, and I can see their performance every day. It’s amazing to see them going out early every morning, and they really inspire the guests who come to the lectures to learn about True Parents.”
“But I believe that the most important thing that they have done is making an impact with the local members of our community,” he said. “A few of our local [young Unificationists] join them and witness with them. The community is deeply moved by their incredible standard and love ... which I believe can be multiplied throughout the world.”
Missionary efforts in Zambia have also proven fruitful, with receptive young people who have been eager and grateful to learn about the Unification faith. “I really appreciate the CIGs ... because without them I would not have experienced [God’s] truth,” said Samuel, a young guest and Zambian who has shared the core teachings with others. “The Divine Principle even touches my family.”
For Evaristo, another young Zambian, certain parts of the Divine Principle stood out and quickly resonated with him. “I really understood the foundation of substance ... and how we share love with each other,” he said. “I can say the Divine Principle has changed my life. I was searching for the truth and now I’ve found it, [and] every day that I go back to my family, I teach about the Divine Principle.”
And it’s not just guests who have had a transformative learning experience. Many of the missionaries have found themselves more in touch with who they are and what they believe. “It’s been a really humbling experience to realize how much I don’t know,” said one first-year missionary in the Middle East. “I’m growing a lot and am able to see the impact the Divine Principle has on Israel. [It’s] a very diverse country with many different cultures, races, and religions, and it brings me a lot of hope seeing how these principles could impact Israel, and eventually the world, too.”
Through volunteering and other means of public outreach, the missionaries have all been immersed in new cultures and ways of life that have connected them with locals in a profound, life-changing manner. “I think it’s important to harmonize the education of physical matters and internal matters, such as character, habits, and emotions,” said a missionary in the Dominican Republic. “I joined CIG missionaries because I wanted to spread God’s love to others and show gratitude for all the love that I’ve received in my life,” she continued. “I really hope to continue growing my relationship with God and others, and truly love them with a sincere heart.”
You can learn more about the CIG youth missionaries here.