Dr. Chung Sik Yong: Celebrating One Year in America
Dr. Chung Sik Yong and his wife Mrs. Yoshie Yong
“My family and I are eternally grateful to our beloved Heavenly Parent and True Parents for giving us this opportunity to serve and sacrifice in order to advance God’s providence in America. With all my heart and sincerity, I offer deep gratitude and endless appreciation to our beloved True Mother for entrusting me with the responsibility of Regional President of North America; I am overwhelmed by the trust that has been bestowed on me,” said Dr. Chung Sik Yong during his inaugural ceremony speech in October 2020.
It’s been a year since Dr. Yong began his mission leading Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in North America. With fervent hope and faith, he and his family relocated to the U.S. after spending 12 years overseeing the Unification movement in Asia.
“In the 1970s our beloved True Parents left Korea and came to America as a firefighter and doctor to heal the problems facing this nation,” said Dr. Yong in his speech. “They went through unimaginable persecution and made untold sacrifices as they offered their blood, sweat and tears to save America; and through America, they wanted to save the world.”
“True Parents have emphasized repeatedly that America’s blessings are not only for the sake of this nation, but also for the sake of God’s global providence,” he said. “That responsibility is just as significant today.”
Dr. Yong quickly hit the ground running -- launching the daily Morning Devotion program in the U.S. to guide national prayer and attendance to God, our Heavenly Parent. He also brought a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience, having previously served as the regional chair of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) in Asia for more than a decade, and as the regional chair of UPF in Oceania before that.
During the 1990s and early 2000s, Dr. Yong worked in various nations throughout the world, including Japan, the U.S. (Washington, DC and New York), Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, as well as Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, where he lived for several years. In 2005, he received his Doctorate Degree in theology from Sun Moon University in Korea after earning a Master of Business Administration in 2003 from Gwangju University.
Beyond his exemplary leadership, Dr. Yong, 64, is a loving family man. A native of Korea, he received the Marriage Blessing with Mrs. Yoshie Yong of Japan in 1988 and together they have three children. Dr. Yong’s selfless heart for others and service-oriented nature quickly helped him cultivate deep connections among national leaders and community members as he embarked on a 50-state tour from August to October to revive the spirit of America and deliver a message of hope, peace and healing for the nation.
“I have sincere appreciation and respect for our American elders, leaders, and members who have invested and endured so much to expand heaven’s providence and advance the foundation laid by our True Parents,” Dr. Yong said. “True Mother has set a 2027 goal of firmly establishing a heavenly unified world. Only by uniting with True Mother and working together can we form a heavenly unified world, and we will absolutely bring victory for God and True Parents!”
You can watch Dr. Yong’s full inaugural speech from October 2020 here.