Explore Your Roots, Build Your Future
“You see it on TV, in movies, and on the internet; the culture that we’re living in today is hyper-sexualized,” says Robert Cunningham.
“We’re not even talking about porn with more explicit content,” adds his wife, Carina.
The young Unificationist couple are the program directors of High Noon Living, a department of the grassroots non-profit organization, High Noon (HN). Founded in 2017 by Unificationists David and Mitsue Wolfenberger, High Noon champions sexual integrity and a “life without shadows” by providing education, resources and tools for building true sexual intimacy between couples and preparing singles for their future relationships.
Robert and Carina are the organizers of a new online series, “KNOWN: Explore Your Roots, Build Your Future,” debuting this Saturday, Sept. 4. The free 12-week course, for singles ages 16 to 30, dives into the many important facets of healthy sexuality.
“This is a program for single people to get to know themselves, know others, and to be known,” says Robert.
“I was always a little bit sexually curious even when I was kind of younger,” he recalls in High Noon’s podcast, where he and Carina candidly share about sexual urges growing up. “I remember some conversations as a kid talking to my friends on the bus… I didn’t really think so deeply or think of the consequences of acting on sexual urges.”
Robert says with the new program participants will have the opportunity to safely discuss topics including attraction, sexual urges, self awareness, media and pornified culture, as well as marriage preparation, sex and spirituality, unconditional love, family, and more. The couple says creating a vision plan of sexual integrity is also key.
Various studies show masturbation and pornography are linked to a number of undesirable outcomes, including broken relationships. Yet some 80 percent of adults in the world masturbate and consider it to be a form of self-care, reveals the world’s largest masturbation survey conducted last year. Further, about 92 percent of men and 60 percent of women (ages 18 to 73) reported having consumed pornography in the past month, according to a recent study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The KNOWN program, streaming live Saturdays at 12:00 p.m. ET, will host different speakers and discussion breakouts to help participants explore the influences in their lives that have shaped their views on sex. Robert and Carina say the sessions offer a space for self-reflection; honest connection and discussion with others; deeper awareness and self love; and thought-provoking lessons each week.
The High Noon organization models teachings of sexual integrity after Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and her late husband, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, who co-founded Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) together in 1954. Through FFWPU and other channels, including the global Marriage Blessing movement, they have worked to bring about peaceful, unified families centered on God and true love.
“High noon settlement is possible when there is no shadow,” Rev. Moon said. “When the mind and body become one, the shadow disappears. When a couple becomes one, the shadow disappears. Thus, you should each become a mother or father, husband or wife, and son or daughter who can find high noon settlement.”
Robert and Carina say they hope to help more people better understand sexuality and its influence on lives and building healthy relationships.
“I started to see sex in a more healthy way,” says Carina, after preparing for the Marriage Blessing. “I think either way, even if you’re struggling or not, I strongly recommend High Noon’s programs.”
You can learn more about High Noon and sign up for the KNOWN program here. The free course begins September 4.