Georgia Unificationists Host International Festival with Diverse Crowd
Photos courtesy of Rev. Luke Higuchi
One Unificationist leader has successfully taken a new spin on public outreach using social media. Rev. Luke Higuchi of the Georgia Family Church recently organized an international festival celebrating the community’s diverse cultures that drew many new guests.
“Our strength is different cultures gathered together as one family under God,” said Rev. Luke in a report during an FFWPU USA leaders’ meeting Sept. 13. “God gave us this witnessing breakthrough using social media ... Japanese members were at the festival, along with other ethnic groups.”
The festival was held on Sept. 6 and 7 at the Georgia Family Community Center in Ellenwood. Rev. Luke said he got the inspiration to advertise the festival as a public Facebook event for three weeks. Much to his amazement, the response was overwhelmingly positive. Some 852 people responded favorably — marking ‘interested’ — while the ad reached more than 21,000 people on the website.
“We had 76 people who went to the festival, and I was quite surprised to see 40 new guests who came,” said Rev. Luke. “It was unexpected to have that many, but it shows the power of Facebook and that social media outreach works.”
Featuring traditional songs and dances from Africa, to Asia, and other parts of the world, guests enjoyed the intercultural exchange through a range of entertainment and ethnic cuisine. Performers wore native clothing as they engaged the audience with lively music and cultural artwork, creating a celebratory atmosphere.
“This festival showcased people from all around the world, and I really enjoyed myself,” said one guest, Min. Gilbert. “I encourage anyone who wants to experience God in a different way to connect with different cultures and backgrounds; you will learn something ... I think the better understanding we can get from the people we interact with, there comes a better sense of peace and unity.”
Rev. Luke noted such cultural events as a prime opportunity to naturally segway into further outreach, including invitations to Divine Principle workshops. “I really recommend doing cultural activities and encourage each region to do it,” he said.
For festival participants, the fun, family-friendly experience was uplifting and educational as strangers turned into new friends. “We have an international culture,” said one guest. “We are brothers and sisters of the same blood, and we are one family under one sky and one God.”
Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Regional President, FFWPU North America, applauded the efforts of Rev. Luke and his forward-thinking approach to public outreach. “I think this is a great idea and love it,” he said. “Nothing is holding us back with innovation at our local churches. This is a great example that can be used to enhance all of our programs.”
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