Global Leaders Honor 10th Anniversary of True Father’s Seonghwa
Photos courtesy of Graeme Carmichael
“Father, I love you, I miss you,” said True Mother in her remarks during a special program celebrating the 10th anniversary of True Father’s seonghwa. “These past 10 years have been a tremendous journey to realize the promise I made before you. From now on, please do not worry. We will, without fail, complete our responsibility.”
True Mother was joined by many global leaders, organizations, and supporters who all honored the 2012 passing of her husband during the event, “Seonghwa Ceremony 10th Anniversary of the Holy Ascension of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind,” held near Seoul on Aug. 14. Some 86 floral tributes and messages were sent from world leaders for the 10th anniversary, including a large floral display from North Korea that required two men to carry it on stage. “Rev. Moon worked for the sake of world peace ... and his achievements and legacy will be remembered for eons,” read a condolence message sent from a North Korean peace institute on behalf of Chairman Kim Jong-un. “We would like to wish prosperity and success to the International Family Federation and UPF.”
True Father was born in 1920 in what is now North Korea. From growing up in Japan-occupied Korea until his ascension at age 92, he lived his life with utmost passion and dedication to God and His providence to restore humanity and create a peaceful world. “Father Moon left a colossal legacy of peace of inestimable value in all aspects of human life,” said H.E. Brigi Rafini, executive secretary of the Community of Sahel and Saharan States (CEN-SAD), which has 25 Member States and represents 650 million Africans. “Just like Father and Mother Moon, I invite us to enter and remain in history as peacemakers in the world.”
The three-hour program, held at the HJ Global Arts Center, was emceed by Dr. Yun Young-ho, director general of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) International. True Parents co-founded UPF in 2005 as one of many peace-building ventures they pioneered worldwide. Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recounted the arrests, tortures, and imprisonments True Father endured during his life, including the North Korean Hungnam death camp that was liberated by UN forces led by U.S. Gen. Douglas MacArthur. True Father survived this, and other severe hardships, “by faith and a loving God,” said Mr. Pompeo.
In 1954, True Father established the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) to call for “the unity of all Christianity and for each of us to love each other,” said Mr. Pompeo. True Father also stood unwaveringly against God-denying ideologies, creating the successful Victory Over Communism (VOC) program and newspapers, including The Washington Times, as well as the anti-communist educational non-profit organization, CAUSA International.
“Rev. Moon and his peace work impacted millions,” said Cambodian Assemblyman Suos Yara, who delivered a message from Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia. Cambodian leaders are among those around the world working with UPF in its quest to bring peace on the Korean Peninsula through mutual prosperity, interdependence, and universal values.
The anniversary program recounted True Father’s life through a combination of beautiful song and dance, videos, photos, and a live orchestra. Spotlights included True Father’s 1935 Easter morning visitation from Jesus, who called him to carry forward the mission to build the Kingdom of God; the persecutions he endured when he started preaching; and his 1960 Holy Marriage to True Mother, which led them to share the Marriage Blessing with other couples around the world. The program also highlighted True Father’s many speeches, campaigns, rallies, conferences, and visits held in different parts of the world, as well as his meetings with global leaders, including Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev and North Korea Chairman Kim Il-sung.
True Father deeply touched countless lives throughout the world, and continues to connect with many hearts through his legacy of peace and love for humanity and God. True Mother closed the program by offering the nearly 30,000 attendees silken-cloth bags filled with rice caramels, one of True Father’s favorite sweets. “Let us move forward in hope,” she said, “practice true love, be stewards of the Creation, and lead lives centered on God.”
You can learn more about True Father’s extraordinary life in his autobiography, “As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen,” available here, and True Mother’s memoir, “Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes,” available here.