GPA Family Workshop Brings Hope
Photo courtesy of GPA
GPA participants returning from abroad recently gathered in Estes Park, Colorado for a special workshop to reflect on their experiences overseas, receive family and blessing education, and review the year’s activities while preparing for their fundraising goals this spring.
The group, divided into four teams, departed for a 21-day journey of faith in early February to the Dominican Republic, Peru, Paraguay, and the Adirondack Mountains in New York. “We came back together to digest and share our experiences,” said Sarah, a GPA youth counselor, during an FFWPU USA leaders’ meeting report on March 14. “We were blessed to have GPA [and other] leadership join us, as well as Heavenly USA participants coming back from their pilgrimage to Israel.”
The workshop drew some 119 families and friends of GPA participants, about 30 GPA alumni, and various leaders of the Unification movement. FFWPU USA President Rev. Naokimi Ushiroda noted that it’s been a while since GPA held such a retreat due to the uncertainty of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. “It’s been four years since the last GPA family workshop, but the energy was great,” he said.
Other leaders included Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Rev. Kazuo Takami, and Rev. Kevin Thompson who all shared guidance during a Q&A session. “Our leadership [provided a sense of] love and personal touch by connecting with everyone; it was a really beautiful experience,” said Sarah.
The workshop also featured inspiring testimonies from GPA parents and alumni. “We felt a lot of their prayer and thought for GPA throughout the year,” Sarah said, while also pointing out a message shared by Dr. Yong. “He focused on what GPA is supposed to be and the model we should uphold as GPA participants and staff members.”
The group heard from CARP staff about opportunities available after GPA graduation, and an entertainment night provided more bonding time among families, alumni, and leaders. “[The workshop overall] was a great success,” Sarah said.
GPA and Heavenly USA participants will now focus on fundraising efforts before meeting True Mother in Korea later this spring. “We want to comfort her and give hope, and let her know that we are the future,” said Sarah. “We're ready to step up and take this position as her children and future leaders.”
You can learn more about Generation Peace Academy and enrollment here.