Happy Birthday, True Parents!
Happy birthday to our beloved True Parents, Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) co-founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon! Today, February 17, marks their 101st and 78th birthdays, respectively, according to the solar calendar. Unificationists from around the world joined Dr. Moon for a special pledge service on Peace Link commemorating the occasion.
In recent months, Dr. Moon shared that 2021 is a pivotal year as Unificationists venture an important new seven-year course focusing on ‘salvation, mobilization, and investment’—the three great slogans for reviving America and the world through 2027.
Last year, many Unificationists worldwide completed their tribal messiahship goals to realize Vision 2020. For the first time, 308 couples from the U.S. and Canada were inducted into the Cheonbo Won, having committed themselves to outreach efforts and sharing the core teachings of the Unification movement with the wider community.
Now, True Parents’ birthday is an opportunity for Unificationists to reflect on the calling they have received from Father and Mother Moon and the life-changing experiences that have shaped who they are today. The unwavering goal of the late Rev. Moon and Dr. Moon has been to unite all religions and people, bringing this ailing world back to God. Their birthdays signify the start of a lifetime of answering God’s call to build one global family centered on God, our Heavenly Parent.
Below is an excerpt from Dr. Moon’s keynote speech at the 3rd Rally of Hope on December 5, 2020, where she emphasized the importance of unity with God and one another.
Speech excerpt:
“…People have been lacking in filial devotion to our Heavenly Parent, who has endured and waited 6,000 years for us…
However, this Earth, which should protect the future of humanity, is suffering right now. In 2020 alone, there have been natural calamities, localized heavy rain, wildfires, and terrible typhoons… Moreover, human ignorance has caused a serious situation such that many in our world believe that we need to restore this beautiful Earth created by God, our Creator, to its original state as quickly as possible. And we should not stop at just talking about it and actually do something.
Then, the way to resolve all these problems, over which we are crying out with one voice, is for us to become the true, filial sons and daughters of one great family under our Heavenly Parent that move according to True Parents’ instructions.
There is hope for us. God is with us. We owe much to Him. We must not pass down our indebtedness to our descendants… I cannot emphasize enough that unity is the only way for the human race to survive in the present time. I will pray for our bright future.” —Mother of Peace
As we celebrate True Parents’ birthday today, let’s move forward to complete God’s mission for restoration and build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth together, one tribe at a time.
Stay tuned for the official celebration of True Parents’ Birthday and the 8th Anniversary of Foundation Day on February 24. You can make your Holy Day Offering here.