IAYSP Celebrates 6 Years of Global Impact
Photo courtesy of Family Fed International HQ
February 23 marks the 6th anniversary since True Mother established the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) in 2017. She launched the new initiative before an audience of 1,800 students and VIPs from various FFWPU organizations at Cheong-Ah gymnasium in Songsan-ri, Gapyeong, Korea, with the vision that IAYSP would work closely in providential roles with the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP).
“Just as in olden times, during the Korean Shilla kingdom … to revive and protect the nation the Hwarang [a group of elite youth] was established; and only through the revitalization of the university movement and the CARP movement is national restoration possible,” True Mother said in her inaugural remarks. She referred to IAYSP as as the Cheon Il Guk “Special Forces” who will create the environment to expand God’s kingdom throughout the world.
Today, IAYSP — including the U.S. chapter — has implemented a range of service projects addressing climate change and reforestation, poverty, homelessness, and supporting those affected by natural disasters. Its annual S!NERGY competition — held nationally, regionally, and internationally — also serves as a platform to engage and promote the ideas of young leaders seeking to bring about a more peaceful and eco-friendly world.
From youth festivals and conferences, to peace designer training seminars and celebrating young “heroes” making a difference in their communities, IAYSP chapters in nearly 50 countries worldwide remain steadfast to the vision of a global family of young people building a world of peace with true love.
You can learn more about IAYSP and its service projects here.