Let us Offer Devotion Centered on CheonShim Won
Photo courtesy of the CheonShim Won in Las Vegas, NV
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I have been in Las Vegas for about two weeks, praying with leaders at our national Cheon Shim Won. During this time, we completed the first three Cheon Shim Won Rebirth workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to experience the essence of Heavenly Parent and True Parents through spirit and truth centering on prayer at the Cheon Shim Won. This essence guides our growth naturally.
As I mentioned in my inauguration speech, we are entering a whole new era. A whole new book is being written. This is not just a new chapter. True Mother is propelling us forward with a total commitment to the reunification of Korea and national restoration. True Mother is especially asking our top three providential nations to bring great results through witnessing; results that we have never seen before. As I stood before True Mother in Korea, it was clear to me that our victory could not possibly depend on our limited abilities. In order to achieve what True Mother knows is possible, we need miracles.
In terms of real substance, miracles may seem far fetched, and you certainly cannot strategize for miracles as far as I know. So in reality, what are these miracles? In my experience, they are the times when our substantial efforts on the ground are in line with the preparations made in heaven. That magical moment when our efforts lead to unexpected breakthroughs that we couldn’t have imagined. Such experiences are only possible based on a strong foundation of spirit and truth through prayer. This is the very purpose of our Cheon Shim Won.
After True Mother appointed me to America, she guided me to go and pray in the Cheon Shim Won in Korea for guidance. From there, I strongly felt that heaven was asking me to offer sincere prayers in the Cheon Shim Won in Las Vegas before making any decisions for the American movement. Now that this has begun, what is next?
After two weeks of prayer in Las Vegas, I felt heaven answered this question. Our next step is in fact what True Mother already directed us to do:
True Mother told us that we are to live centered on heaven and Cheon Shim Won. Therefore, all communities in America should set up their Cheon Shim Won prayer rooms as soon as possible. From now on the spiritual heartbeat of the Family Federation in America will be centered on our national Cheon Shim Won in Las Vegas and our Cheon Shim Won satellites across the nation.
You can read about Pastors Joshua and Takayo Holmes’ quick response to set up a local Cheon Shim Won in Los Angeles, and Pastor Justin Okamoto is also working on establishing it in Belvedere. I hope all our American communities will work quickly to set up a local Cheon Shim Won. You can reference the progress map to see which communities have already settled their Cheon Shim Won.
Many members have been investing their time and their jeongseong through the national Morning Devotion over the last two and a half years. Through the practice of daily prayer and HDH with community members, many brothers and sisters felt revived. From now, we will move this providence to the local level centered on local leadership at the Cheon Shim Won.
From this time, I would like to ask every pastor to host morning prayer meetings and HDH based on True Mother’s autobiography and True Mother’s speeches. Once enough communities are ready we will align our HDH content to move together as one.
Communities that do not yet have a Cheon Shim Won, or are not able to set one up immediately, can connect to a larger community in their area that has an operational Cheon Shim Won. Members who cannot make it in person can be invited to join via zoom.
Furthermore, I also ask all the American Cheon Shim Won halls to connect with the Cheon Shim Won in Korea for the special testimony and prayer session that takes place every Friday at 10pm in Korea (9am Eastern/ 6am Pacific).
The Cheon Shim Won is an amazing gift, because our sincere prayers are usually answered swiftly. I believe that the communities who come together in sincere prayer centered on True Mother’s words will experience great power to help you witness and grow the community with spirit and truth.
I believe that through our sincere devotion centered on prayer and study of True Parents' words in the sacred space True Mother designated as the spiritual center and heart of the worldwide movement, we can resonate with True Mother's heart on a level we have never experienced until now, and we will become living examples of True Parents' fruits that can expand our church foundation based on the spirit and truth True Mother has been guiding us to experience.
May Heavenly Parent Bless you and your families,
Rev. Demian Dunkley
Regional Chair and President