Life Without Shadows
Life Without Shadows. It’s the slogan of High Noon, a grassroots organization founded in 2017 by David and Mitsue Wolfenberger, a longtime Unificationist couple. And since its inception, High Noon has been creating a “culture of sexual integrity, openness, and heavenly sexual intimacy based on Unification Principles”—helping countless people along the way.
“Addiction is born in secrecy but dies in community,” Wolfenberger said at High Noon’s very first summit held in April 2017 in Las Vegas. “Our Unification community was the last place that people struggling with sexual sin wanted to confess their problems. Our vision for High Noon culture, however, is that this is exactly the right place.”
Four years later, High Noon (HN) has grown into three departments—HN Living, HN Couples, and HN Families—providing a range of support and resources on healthy relationships, marriage, parenting, sexual health, and more. It also provides tools for pornography recovery.
A staggering 92 percent of men and 60 percent of women (ages 18 to 73) reported having consumed pornography in the past month, according to a recent study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A fast-growing $97 billion global industry, more than 110 billion pornography videos were watched online in 2019—the equivalent of nearly 16 videos watched for every person on the planet.
No longer a taboo or touchy subject, pornography has become mainstream entertainment in our society according to recent data. Worse, pornography is linked to a number of undesirable outcomes, including broken relationships.
High Noon launched a “Love, Life, Legacy” podcast, YouTube channel, and blog, all of which tackle pornography and promote a lifestyle of sexual integrity and responsibility.
“We deep dive into topics like porn, masturbation, romancing your spouse, and anything to do with real, practical insight on healthy sexuality,” said Sammy Uyama, executive director of High Noon.
To date, the podcast features 69 real-life stories from Unificationists on various topics like “Your Past Doesn’t Define You,” “How to Deal with Sexual Urges,” “The Theology of Sex,” and “How to Anchor Your Sexual Integrity.”
In episode 60, “My Journey Quitting Porn,” the speaker candidly shares her addiction story, saying, “Every step counts, no matter whether it’s a more smooth process or a very hard process; every step is getting you closer to the place you want to be. That’s the most important thing, not stopping.”
“Now I have hope that things will get better and better as time goes by,” she continues. “Sometimes I feel shame and guilt with my story… It’s a habit that I’ve had since I was very young and it just happened. But it’s had a negative result on me and I have to remind myself and my body that I am not looking for my own pleasure.”
Millions of people are embracing a lifestyle of sexual integrity, which emphasizes being honest and careful with one’s sexual power and using it only within a committed relationship of marriage. Sexual integrity is the underpinning of the international Marriage Blessing movement, initiated in the 1960s by the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founders of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU).
“High noon settlement is possible when there is no shadow,” Rev. Moon said. “When the mind and body become one, the shadow disappears. When a couple becomes one, the shadow disappears. Thus, you should each become a mother or father, husband or wife, and son or daughter who can find high noon settlement.”
You can learn more about High Noon, including its 15-Day Challenge, here.