Making Community Service a New Year’s Resolution
Photo courtesy of Shine City Project
Young Unificationists in Las Vegas rang in the new year by serving their community. The Shine City Project (SCP) team has hit the ground running with back-to-back volunteer projects lined up in January as they reflect on the great success of last year. “For 2022, it was a year of stability for Shine City Project,” says SCP National Director, Jeffrey Silerio. “We continued to work with organizations that we have worked with in the past, as well as with some new ones.”
SCP had more than 1,200 volunteer hours invested among the group and 52 service projects completed last year, averaging one per week. “[We are grateful] to the 98 volunteers who joined our service projects in 2022,” says Silerio. “We had volunteers not just from North America, but Central and South America as well,” he says, recalling a clean-up project in Uruguay in December.
RELATED: US to Uruguay: Shine City Project Concludes 2022 Volunteer Work
This year, Silerio is urging all youth to “make community service your New Year's resolution,” he said, while recognizing the contributions of numerous families. “[We’re thankful] to the parents for their support for our service projects,” he says.
On Jan. 7, the SCP team got to work serving the public at Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, an organization they began partnering with last year. From infants to seniors, the faith-based nonprofit offers a range of programs to those in need including shelter, food, employment support, and more.
“Our volunteers assisted with the community meal service for outside guests,” says Silerio. “On the menu was roasted pork loin, mashed potatoes, and mixed veggies.” Silerio said his team served food trays and refreshments, and helped with the cleanup afterward. “As people were leaving the dining facility, we thanked them and wished them a good day,” he says. “We want people to feel loved and cared for no matter what.”
The following weekend, on Jan. 14, the team helped plant vegetation at the Clark County Wetlands Park. “For organizations like Wetlands Park and The Just One Project, we met up regularly [last year] on a monthly basis,” says Silerio, who plans to continue the trend this year. He said ongoing collaboration and partnerships with more than 20 organizations from around the community has enabled SCP to have a significant impact.
“[We’ve worked with] Ahern Orchard,” he says, “and Friends of Sloan Canyon, Get Outdoors Nevada, GO Mount Charleston, The Just One Project, and The Las Vegas Farm.” SCP has also established strong ties with the Las Vegas Rescue Mission, Opportunity Village, Las Vegas Wash Coordinating Committee, McKee Ranch Foundation, Project GREEN: Friends of Pittman Wash, and the Shaquille O'Neal Foundation, as well as Southern Nevada Water Authority, Spread the Word Nevada, and the Springs Preserve.
However, Silerio notes the great influence of the Las Vegas faith community, too. “[We] have love and appreciation for the special participation of CARP Las Vegas, Generation Peace Academy, Harrison House, Las Vegas Heavenly Parent's Holy Community, New Hope Foundation International, Youth and Students for Peace USA, and Youth and Students for Peace Uruguay,” he says. And of course, “Thank you to our Father and Mother Moon,” he says, “let's keep the momentum going for 2023!”
SCP will next join The Just One Project on Jan. 21 for a service project at Ed Von Tobel Middle School. You can learn more about Shine City Project here, and connect with a Unificationist community near you here.