Peace King Cup: Participants Reinforce ‘Not Giving Up’
Photos courtesy of New Jersey Ocean Tribe
“Sometimes fishing is slow, but there is always something to gain from the waters and being on the boat,” shared organizer Minobu Sato, who chronicled on social media the 2023 Peace King Cup Fishing Tournament held by the New Jersey Ocean Tribe. “Thank you so much captains, deckhands, and participants for not giving up until the end!”
The weeklong tournament, which ran from May 20 to 26 with an awards ceremony on May 27, brings awareness to the enduring issue of world hunger while providing an opportunity for participants to engage in some friendly fishing competition.
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Though participants faced challenges on New York’s Hudson River and surrounding waters, they remained determined throughout the event. “The big fish [were] very elusive this year,” Sato shared. “I was reminded of hearing some of our veteran captains talking about waiting for over 30 to 40 days to catch one single tuna, going out every day. They went through some incredible training.”
Still, organizers remained hopeful for an “exciting, fruitful, and safe” tournament despite some windy weather and long hours on the water. Participants of all ages eagerly fished in groups on multiple boats for the biggest striped bass, competing for cash prizes up to $1,500.
“[We had] wonderful contestants this year,” shared Sato. “It was so amazing to see the people’s wide and genuine smiles on their faces holding their catch.”
The winning fish measured an impressive 36 inches, but organizers said the tradition behind the tournament is what is most important. “[This tournament] set up by Rev. Moon [has] a deeper significance, such as raising the community for the Ocean Era, building an economic foundation, and awareness in the local community,” Sato shared. “And of course, it brings people together in good sportsmanship and in peace.”
With a special message from Rev. Naokimi Ushiroda, as well as words from veteran fishing captains and leaders of Ocean Providence Holdings, LLC, the awards ceremony held at the Clifton Family Church in New Jersey honored top competitors with prizes including cash, statues, new fishing poles, and certificates.
“We had a lot of people show up to commemorate this annual event and to celebrate the winners,” shared Sato. “All the captains, deckhands, staff, and volunteers ... helped make this event a safe and successful one once again this year.”
True Parents initiated the annual Peace King Cup Fishing Tournament in 2000. This year’s event also commemorated their 63rd Holy Blessing Anniversary.
You can learn more about the history of the Peace King Cup here.