70th Anniversary of HSA-UWC

Letter from Rev. Demian Dunkley, Regional President

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am currently on my way to Korea with a handful of American leaders to attend a celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. This occasion stands as a testament to our shared history and divine mission. It is both a commemoration of our past and a recognition of our providential journey with True Parents.

Though Korea was liberated in 1945, the Christian realm was unable to fully realize its purpose. Mainstream Christianity did not support True Father in the early years of his ministry, leading to the loss of the national foundation for God’s work. Korea was divided into North and South; the North came under communist rule while the South adopted democracy but leaned towards materialism and secularism.

The term Holy Spirit Association signifies a spirit-led movement. It was founded to bring Christianity together and give heaven a foothold to complete the providence. However, the relationship with mainstream Christianity did not improve, and the Holy Wedding took place under very humble circumstances. This misalignment with Heaven’s Will led to further division and conflict. Like the Israelites of old, the Korean people have faced captivity in a divided nation.

True Mother has clarified that this might have been different if Christianity had understood the providence of the Only Begotten Daughter at that time. Nonetheless, despite significant challenges, True Parents, along with precious members from Korea and around the world, have faithfully walked this journey with dedication and sacrifice.

Guided by Heavenly Parent’s love and True Parents’ leadership, our movement has been a beacon of hope. Our mission represents a universal journey of liberation and the establishment of Heavenly Parent’s homeland. Just as the Israelites returned from Babylonian captivity to rebuild their nation, we are called to build and dedicate the Cheon Il Sanctum for Heavenly Parent’s direct governance in Korea.

This anniversary is significant because True Mother has proclaimed her status as the Only Begotten Daughter and reclaimed the feminine aspect of God, making Heavenly Parent complete. Through her dedication, True Mother has opened the era of Cheon Il Guk and blessed our movement to become the Heavenly Parents' Holy Community. She is determined to bring about the conclusion of the providence in her lifetime.

We invite you to join us in this sacred celebration on June 6, 2024. It will be held at the HJ Cheon Ju Cheon Bo Training Center, with a pilgrimage to the Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum. While not everyone can attend in person, our global family can participate live online. We will share the link when it is available. Let us unite in prayer and offer our gratitude to Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

Thank you for being a vital part of this movement. Your faith and dedication have been instrumental in our journey. Together, let us make this anniversary a beacon of hope for a new future.

With love and blessings,

Rev. Demian Dunkley
Regional President, FFWPU-USA


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