Revival Starts With Me
Numerous young Unificationists and Christians from around the U.S. came together for a special ‘revival’ of their faith–centered on the reunification of the Korean Peninsula–during the HyoJeong Conference’s Revival Starts With Me virtual event which streamed live on Facebook on February 26.
More than 1,700 participants joined the online event featuring prominent Christian and Unificationist leaders and soulful musical entertainment.
“When we look at the reality of this world, we know that we are facing serious problems and division–not just within ourselves, but with our families, in our nations, and in this world,” said Unificationist Takayo Hiraki, who co-hosted the program with Ori Rodriguez. “We thank God for allowing us to come together beyond national and cultural borders for the sake of pursuing a better tomorrow.”
The HyoJeong Conference, sponsored by the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP), is a global youth movement that raises passionate leaders with God-centered values to resolve the ideological conflict in the world in order to “realize a unified Korea, the key to world peace.”
HyoJeong, a Korean term, means ‘filial heart toward heaven.’
The program highlighted the lifelong dedication of the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, co-founders of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), who have worked toward reunifying the Korean Peninsula, including their historic 1991 visit and peace talks with North Korean leader Kim Il Sung.
“The biggest manifestation for this worldwide division is the Korean Peninsula, which is separated between the North and South,” said Keynote Speaker Bishop Noel Jones of City of Refuge. “In order to realize a peaceful world that is centered on God, we must overcome this ideological conflict and reunify the Korean Peninsula. Therefore, as a movement, we must make the revival of this heart of hyojeong among the young people in this world, starting with each of us.”
City of Refuge megachurch Choir Director Jason McGee and Pastor Deitrick Haddon of Hill City Church in Los Angeles gave uplifting performances, while Minister Brandon Towns, City of Refuge young adult pastor, shared his personal experience of revival and how he faced and overcame challenges in his relationship with God.
“I recall going to the 2020 World Summit in Korea and the unity of the gathering that I felt out there,” he said. “COVID-19 was just on the brink … in combination with the decline of Christianity, which was disheartening for me, but I have not lost faith over what Christ can do. I think that in these times of crises we’re able to see that believers are able to be the light and the salt of the world, to illuminate the cause of Christ in such a dark hour.”
“Today’s Christian spirit and the love for Christ has diminished, especially in South Korea,” said Elder Edwin Perry of City of Refuge. “We need a revival because … it is our task to lead the people to God, we have the determination to bring the spirit of Christianity and start a revival throughout the land of South Korea.”
Three Korean War veterans of the U.S. Marine Corps also talked about their experiences of fighting the advancement of communism in South Korea and for the freedoms of its people. U.S. aid and victory in the Korean War was significant in God’s providence of restoring the world.
“Communism is an ideology that denies the existence and humanity of God,” said Master Sergeant Justin Harding. “It doesn’t allow spiritual ideas and free markets … Back in the 1950s, America was very clear that we had to intercede and help South Korea. It was on sheer principle that we wanted to stop the spread of communism there.”
“America went to Korea; they were the veterans who traveled across the Pacific Ocean to fight a war for people they had never met and a country they had never known,” said Young Clergy Leadership Conference (YCLC) Director Pastor Joshua Holmes. “They fought, they gave, and what they found was the very foundations of this country’s spirit to give and forget one has given.”
Speakers emphasized the essential need to spread peace and unity worldwide, starting with the Korean Peninsula, by exercising individual faith and wisdom from past generations.
“The Bible talks about strength, an inward strength,” said Bishop Jones. “I want you young people to be strong … you’re going to have to carry [faith] into your generation … Mother and Father Moon have given everything they have, and Father Moon has written many things that are significantly important for the time in which we live. We trust you and believe that you’re trustworthy, sufficient, and able.”
You can watch the full Revival Starts With Me event here.