The Providential Work of CIG Youth Missionaries
Photos courtesy of CIGYM
Cheon Il Guk youth missionaries spent the final weeks of 2023 supporting dozens of young families and villagers in Surin, Thailand. From running a smoothie stand at an open market, to providing financial assistance and English tutoring at the Surin SMART Youth Center, as well as organizing a local Marriage Blessing event, the team was busy with a range of service projects.
“It truly felt as if Surin SMART Youth Center was the center of the providence in Thailand,” said one CIGYM organizer, who shared about the flurry of activity there over the course of several weeks. Together with Youth and Students for Peace (YSP), Thailand chapter, the missionaries worked tirelessly to develop an education center where youth can grow “through an environment of unconditional love” and gain “support they may otherwise not receive at home,” organizers said.
RELATED: GPA Supports One-Of-A-Kind Youth Center in Thailand
The CIG youth missionaries also organized a year-end Marriage Blessing ceremony for five local couples. “All attendees dressed beautifully to honor the couples’ precious moment,” organizers said. “God’s warmth and love was palpable as the whole Surin community came together to celebrate a recommitment to their marriage, centered on true love and building God-centered families.”
The team spent a week in neighboring Cambodia as well, learning about the country’s history while supporting more youth activities there.
“During our first sunrise [in Cambodia], we visited the famous Angkor Wat temple complex,” recalled a missionary. “For three days, we visited several universities, including the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and BELTEI International University, and shared education on marriage and family values.”
“At the Choeung Ek Genocidal Center, we learned about the painful history of Cambodia and offered our respect and prayers for its people,” they continued. “On our final day, we supported an event to celebrate International Food Day. With over 100 guests, the locals taught us their traditional customs and we all enjoyed eating food, singing, and dancing for hours.”
The eye-opening experiences and personal connections made in Cambodia and Thailand left the CIGYM team feeling uplifted and inspired despite their bittersweet departure. “We were sent off at the airport with many hugs, gifts, and tears,” shared a missionary. “[But] we are eager and excited ... and are working to open the door for more young people to dedicate their mission time to Thailand in the future.”
You can learn more and follow the journey of CIGYM here.