‘Tis the Season: Month of Giving
Photo courtesy of Kira auf der Heide
It’s never too late to show our gratitude by giving back! During this national Month of Giving, which celebrates the generosity and volunteerism that unites people of all backgrounds, we can show our thankfulness in countless ways.
In 2021, Americans gave $410.2 billion to charity — breaking all previous records. Within the Unification movement, here are five ways to give back and show your support this season through volunteering, donating, or offering prayers and devotions.
1. Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum
True Mother has been preparing the dedication of Cheon Won Gung (including the Cheon Il Sanctum) as the culmination of God’s providence and the victory of the firm establishment of a heavenly unified world. Cheon Won Gung will also house heavenly governing offices, and include a center where people from around the world can learn about True Parents’ life and achievements while being resurrected as the people of Cheon Il Guk. Given this purpose, the Cheon Won Gung and Cheon Il Sanctum have unprecedented providential value and significance. All Unificationists are invited to offer special devotions and special donations to support this providence.
2. Winter Workshops
The youth are the fruit of the global Unification movement and the future leaders of God’s providence. Spiritual education and nourishment is an important component in preparing the next generation. Winter workshops bridge educational and fun activities while also fostering individual and community growth. There are various avenues to support these workshops, whether through staffing, cooking, cleaning, offering a talent, or entertainment. You can check out the upcoming regional workshops here and contribute in a way that best reflects your ability.
3. Feeding Blessed Families
America is a prosperous nation and remains a beacon of hope and inspiration around the world. We can share our blessings and support with our brothers and sisters domestically as well as abroad. Faced with uncertainty during the ongoing war, blessed families in Ukraine are in need of stockpiling food this winter. Having basics such as salt, sugar, rice, pasta, and meat can make all the difference for some 109 Unificationists still in the country. You can aid these families through a GoFundMe page available here.
4. Morning Devotion
Giving our time is a precious gift sometimes overlooked. But having our hearts and minds focused each morning on attending Heavenly Parent and True Parents is a great way to show gratitude for everything else in our lives. The live “Morning Devotion” online program initiated by Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Regional President, FFWPU North America, kicked off in 2020 with much success. To date, more than a hundred people from across the country and overseas gather virtually every morning to honor God. You can give your support by joining through Zoom or the Morning Devotion website. You’re encouraged to share your reflections with Dr. Yong by emailing iseo@unification.org.
5. National Tithe
“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.” (Proverbs 3:9, NIV). For people of faith, tithing is an inherent part of giving back. The Bible tells us a tenth of our wealth is holy and belongs to God. The national tithe of FFWPU USA is used to support and uplift healthy God-centered families and communities, as well as significant peace-building projects for America and the world. You’re encouraged to donate any amount to the national tithe available here.
You can learn more about National Month of Giving here.