True Mother’s Message at East Garden Leaders’ Meeting January 6 ,2025
Start video at 42:17 for True Mother’s message.
“In this year, the year of the blue snake, if there is a nation that should take responsibility at the forefront as we are creating the home and environment in which Heavenly Parent can govern directly, even more than Korea, that nation is the United States!”
I have missed all of you very much. I wanted very much to visit America as we welcome the New Year. I am sure you know this year’s motto. Now is the time when we attend the Creator, Heavenly Parent, substantially on earth. We must create a world and nation of the chosen people made up of blessed families who have become one with True Parents.
In the past, the chosen people of Israel did not fulfill their responsibility. Today, the chosen Korean people, who brought about the birth of the Only Begotten Daughter, are also struggling. Nevertheless, because families all over the world who have received the Blessing from True Parents are revealing the Creator Heavenly Parent and the true essence of Jesus in Christianity, we are now able to clear away the mistakes of the past and enter the era when we are living, in the 21st century. Notably, this 13th year of Cheon Il Guk, when we attend Heavenly Parent on earth together with True Parents, is a time of great happiness and hope as we look toward our eternal future.
The Bible says that all things in heaven and earth were made in the image of the Creator, according to the pattern of yin and yang. Finally, Heavenly Parent created a man and a woman, Adam and Eve, to become the first ancestors of humankind, and gave them a responsibility. Heavenly Parent waited for them to pass through their growing period and reach perfection. Yet they could not achieve this. The result is the fallen human race that we have today.
For 6,000 years, the history of fallen humankind has been wrought with war and conflict, interreligious strife, and disputes between nations – as if they could not survive without conflict. Aren’t people fighting and killing each other, even now? That being so, the problem is that Christianity needs to take responsibility.
Christians of today do not understand the essence of Jesus. Why is it that in order to save fallen humankind, the Creator selected the Israelites as the chosen people and went through a 4,000-year course in order to send the Begotten Son, Jesus?
Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit, yet she did not fulfill her responsibility. How could she fail to record the day of the birth of the son she conceived and bore of the Holy Spirit? Three wise men came to see Jesus. But even seeing this, why didn’t she think, “Oh, this child is not an ordinary child so I must devote myself completely to raising him.” Jesus waited for thirty years before embarking on his public course, which lasted three years. During that time of more than 30 years, did Mary ever wish him “Happy Birthday”?
The day on which we currently celebrate Christmas is not actually the date of Jesus’ birth. Christianity began through the apostles after the crucifixion of Jesus. The Roman Empire harshly persecuted Christian believers, who prayed and offered devotion in underground caves as they waited for Jesus’ promised return.
However, it is heartbreaking that Christians say that we are saved by the blood of the cross. It is incomprehensible even from a common-sense perspective that we are saved by the crucifixion of Jesus, who died at the young age of 33, after it took 4,000 years to prepare for his coming. Furthermore, Christianity has had many problems over the course of its 2,000-year history. When Christianity became too human-centered, it opened the way for the communist ideology to emerge.
What have the many Spirit-led groups done throughout these 2,000 years of history? Because Christianity was losing its way, Spirit-led groups of the time, who were centered in Europe, departed to seek a new nation, vowing to attend Heaven. That is how they arrived on the American continent. The first thing they built was a church, then a school, and after that they built their homes. Because America was the place where they promised to make a country that would invite God into their homes, into their communities, and into their churches, God blessed America. However, fallen human beings cannot be trusted. They’re happy when things are good, but as soon as they get tired, they stop right in the middle of the road, don’t they?
RELATED: Pictures from the leaders’ meeting with True Mother at East Garden
There is a reason why the Creator, Heavenly Parent, blessed America. God had sent the Only Begotten Son to the Israelites after waiting for 4,000 years, but Jesus was hung on the cross. Jesus said he would come again and would hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. What that means is that Heaven had to work to choose a people who could make the preparations for Jesus’ partner, the Only Begotten Daughter, to be born. That people was the Korean Han people in Asia.
The roots of the Korean Han people are the Dong-Yi (Eastern) people who had the tradition that they were descended from Heaven. To ensure a good harvest, they prayed to Heaven to protect their crops. This is also why they studied the stars and invented a sundial. They were a people whose scientific civilization surpassed the West. Their nation on the Korean peninsula never invaded another country first.
In the year 1907, a movement of spiritual works arose in the churches of Pyongyang, bolstered by Presbyterian missionaries from America (Holy Spirit Revival Movement). Through the Christian foundation that developed there, Heaven made the preparations for the birth of the Only Begotten Daughter and in 1943, the Only Begotten Daughter was born.
There is something you need to understand about this. According to the principles governing creation, human beings have the responsibility to grow perfection during the growing period that is provided to them. In order to complete that responsibility, it is necessary to remain alive.
At the time I was born, Korea was under the control of Japan. Two years later, World War II came to an end, and Korea was split between democracy and communism. The North, which had become communist due to the Soviet presence there, was thoroughly prepared to make the South communist, too. At the same time, in the South, it took a while for Democracy to gain a firm footing because the leaders who had fought for independence had difficulty uniting with each other. I was still in the North at the time.
My maternal uncle had gone to study abroad in Japan. Then, when World War II ended, we heard that he had joined the army in the South and would not be returning home. If somebody joined the army in the South, their family could not survive in the North. They would be killed right away. Heaven had no choice but to intervene and protect me.
Heaven had to give me more time so that I could grow up. Five years after the end of World War II, in 1950, the Korean War broke out. And in 1960, I took on the position of True Parent. You must understand this. For the Only Begotten Daughter, whose birth Heaven brought about for the first time after 6,000 years, the most important thing is purity. When I thought about the circumstances in Korea at that time, and the position that Heaven was in, I made the decision that “I must step forward.” That is why, from that point on, blessed families were created.
As your True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter, and Wang Omma, I am extremely and infinitely grateful to all of you. Looking toward the completion of Heaven’s providence, it is ChamBumo Ron that is teaching the essence of the Creator, the essence of Jesus, and the essence of True Parents.
As we look at the history of Heaven’s providence, we are the ones who are living in Cheon Il Guk. We must not cling to the past. We cannot reach completion with the past. The past is not complete on its own. The place of completion was accomplished when True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter, presided over Foundation Day and opened Cheon Il Guk, and in 12 years established all the conditions and the environment where we can attend Heavenly Parent directly on earth.
In this year, the year of the blue snake, if there is a nation that should take responsibility at the forefront as we are creating the home and environment in which Heavenly Parent can govern directly, even more than Korea, that nation is the United States!
You, the blessed families in this present time, must do better than the Puritans of the past. We have heard the story about how, in their challenging circumstances, the Puritans first built a church and then a school, before building their own homes.
[Cheon Mu Won Vice President Mrs. Wonju McDevitt reads the motto:]
"In the 13th year of Cheon Il Guk, when we attend the Creator Heavenly Parent substantially, let us, the blessed families around the world, become true sons and daughters of Cheon Il Guk who fulfill our responsibility as the chosen people in unity with True Parents!"
The motto for recent years said that you must become true owners. However, beginning this year, we will live in direct attendance to Heavenly Parent. Heavenly Parent’s dream and wish is to live together with his true children. Therefore, all of you must become true children. So please work harder at witnessing so America can become a country where we plant the flag declaring “At least 10 out of our 50 states belong to the Family Federation.”
Why do Democrats and Republicans fight each other? Everyone can become one at the point where we all attend Heaven. They could build more constructive and idealistic nations, so why fight? They must wake up. The reason the United States must take responsibility at this time when we live in attendance to True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter, and Heavenly Parent is because it is the older brother to the nations of the world. Because it is the eldest son nation. You must take responsibility. You need to take responsibility. You will do this, won’t you? I will believe in you.