WFWPI Celebrates 31 Years
Photos courtesy of WFWP
April 10 marks the 31st anniversary of True Parents’ launch of the Women’s Federation for World Peace International (WFWPI) in 1992. This historic day was a new turning point for peace and a new age for women, True Mother said during her inaugural address before the packed Seoul Olympic Stadium in Korea. “Women have the magical power to create harmony and to soften hearts,” she said in her remarks. “Brides build bridges...This is the true power of womanhood, and the time has come for the power of true womanhood to save the world.”
Over the last three decades, WFWPI has become an eminent global women’s organization with members in some 143 countries. In 1994 alone, more than 200,000 Korean and Japanese women came together to create “sisterly ties” through 38 events organized by WFWPI. Then in 1995, WFWPI’s “sisterhood ceremonies” transformed into “bridge crossings” that to date have brought together hundreds of thousands of women from around the world.
Photo courtesy of WFWP, WFWP “bridge crossings'“
“WFWP must someday develop into a federation of families for world peace,” True Mother said, with many distinguished WFWP participants — including former U.S. President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush — supporting her efforts to bring about global unity through families, with women as the cornerstone of peace.
Established as an NGO with general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in 1997, WFWPI has since led numerous world conferences, seminars, and various initiatives under True Mother’s guidance and vision. From True Mother’s global speaking tours, to local community gatherings, WFWPI’s mission to educate, uplift, and empower women as “leaders of the heart” forges on.
Moriko Hori, WFWP International President
Kaeleigh Moffitt, WFWP USA President
In 2023, WFWPI began a new chapter of leadership globally and in the USA. With the departure of WFWPI leaders Dr. Julia Moon and Dr. Sun Jin Moon (2019-2023), Moriko Hori of WFWP Japan was appointed WFWP International President in March. Kaeleigh Moffitt was appointed WFWP USA president and WFWP International vice president in February, succeeding longtime President Angelika Selle (2010-2023). Moffitt shared her vision for the next stage of WFWP USA’s growth and impact, including network expansion through connecting and partnering with more organizations, and engaging further with the work of the United Nations. Recent UN advocacy training focused on empowering and equipping WFWPI leaders with the necessary knowledge, tools, and strategic skills to create a culture of heart and foster a more peaceful world through practical and holistic initiatives that address the root causes of conflict and promote social transformation.
True Mother described the spirit of WFWPI as one of peace and service in her best-selling memoir, Mother of Peace (2020), stating it was “not to be just one more women’s organization, but a mirror reflecting this new age.”
You can learn more about the ongoing work of the WFWP USA chapter here.