Letter from the Director General of the World Mission Headquarters to Blessed Families Regarding the Declaration of Martial Law in the Republic of Korea
December 5, 2024 (12th Year of Cheon Il Guk)
Dear Blessed Families and members around the world!
May the grace and love of Heavenly Parent and True Parents be with you.
On December 3, 2024, at approximately 11:00 pm, martial law was declared in our beloved spiritual homeland, Heavenly Korea. Thankfully, it was lifted at dawn the following day. However, this sudden declaration caused significant shock and concern among the citizens of Korea, as well as for blessed families and members around the world who cherish Heavenly Korea. It is expected that, in the aftermath of the declaration, serious divisions and conflicts in South Korean society will be exacerbated, extending beyond the political sphere and leading to a precarious and unpredictable situation. South Korea is facing a time of crisis, when Heaven’s care and love are needed more than ever.
Under Heaven’s protection, Korea has endured years of bitter grief, enduring countless political ups and downs and unspeakable events, while firmly adhering to the exemplary path of democracy and peace. In this process, upholding the mission prepared by Heaven, the Korean people have moved toward accomplishing the mission of liberating Heavenly Parent and bringing salvation to humanity. The Republic of Korea, in particular, as a nation that has since long ago looked forward to seeing the kingdom of Heavenly Parent, has fulfilled the mission of the descendants of heaven by maintaining the identity of God’s chosen people while preserving only the values and culture centered on Heaven.
The time has come for the true culture of heart (shimjeong) centered on Heaven to take root deep in this land and to blossom, and for the whole world to be enraptured with the fragrance of love. All of this can be considered a victory for the members worldwide who, during the past years, have endured and persevered through a history of blood, sweat, and tears while attending True Father, the Messiah at his Second Coming, and True Mother, the Only Begotten Daughter.
Dear Members,
In just four months, the era of the completion of Heaven's providence and the conclusion of human history will arrive. The day of the Entrance Ceremony for the Cheon Il Sanctum in Cheon Won Gung can be considered one of the most significant events in human history. It will be the day of greatest joy in the eyes of Heavenly Parent and the happiest day for True Parents. At this moving and glorious time, the recent incident that occurred in our providential homeland of Heavenly Korea, goes beyond the political reality. We can see it as an important incident by which to reflect on Heavenly Parent’s will and the purpose for what is to be accomplished on earth. We recognize that the difficulties and conflicts humanity faces can sometimes serve as a means for Heavenly Parent to provide lessons to those unaware of the truth, sometimes giving new insight to those who are spiritually blind, and guiding us all in a new direction within the providence.
Even at this very moment, Heaven earnestly hopes that true peace and harmony will be achieved on earth so that the peaceful world envisioned by Heavenly Parent can be realized forever. Even if our absolute faith may be momentarily shaken due to the political upheaval at this moment of crisis posed by the declaration of martial law, this will serve as an opportunity to reflect on our fundamental attitude and rightful disposition. I sincerely hope that we can become blessed families, guided by a heart of filial love (hyojeong) for Heaven, as True Parents have taught us. May we move and transform the world in the direction of goodness that Heavenly Parent desires, without being swayed by extremes or tempted by the dazzling allure of words, but instead, with unwavering sincerity and prayer.
Dear Blessed Families around the world,
I earnestly and sincerely ask for your support. Please come together in prayer and sincere devotion so that the crisis currently sweeping our spiritual homeland, Heavenly Korea, may be healed centered on Heaven, and that we may fully welcome the 13th year of Cheon Il Guk as desired by Heavenly Parent. I ask that you offer your prayers with a sincere heart so that Heavenly Korea, the Republic of Korea, chosen by Heaven through hardship and devoted effort, can stand firm and strong; also that we, the members throughout the world, can offer our sincere hearts and continuous devotions so that, as we approach the 13th year of Cheon Il Guk, we can welcome the new era in our history with great joy. I earnestly pray that our members’ families and churches will be filled with Heavenly Parent’s blessings.
Song Yong-Cheon
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification World Missions Director