Official Memo on Third 21-Day Activation Oct. 14 - Nov. 3
October 14, 2024
Dear Leaders,
Thank you for your leadership. As you have seen from my video for yesterday’s Sunday service, we have launched a third 21-day period to activate all our three main campaigns.
We have made great progress across the nation. We had a goal of 800 new members nationwide, and I am happy to report that we have 200 new members, who have signed up in the past three weeks. Though we didn’t reach our goal, we achieved an amazing result that we haven’t achieved in such a short period in a very long time. Thank you to everyone who participated. This is truly a great result.
For the next 21-days let’s try again and shoot for the same goal of 800 nationwide. Please set your own goals at the community level in coordination with your subregional senior pastor as needed.
We created this Outreach Tracker. Please share it with your members and encourage them to track their activities this way. We also developed a new membership form you can use to sign up new members to your community.
During these 21 days, we want to make sure to also pay attention to guiding our young singles to the cosmic blessing.
In my own personal experience, there has been nothing more useful than having a weekly intentional conversation and prayer with my children, one at a time, about their future matching and blessing experience. I realized that, even though we have had many conversations in the past, the practice of a weekly call or meeting talking specifically about how they are doing in preparation for the blessing has brought us much closer together as parents and children and contributed more to our growth than anything else.
I would like to ask you, our precious leaders, to ask your family members to set this out as a condition. For all families who have single children of any age that they wish to discuss the blessing with, please initiate a parent-child meeting, or call, where you can simply ask one another what’s on your mind, and then pray together for the sake of that child’s future blessing. If done well and naturally, I believe a lot of great discussion and insights will come out of such practice.
Our Cheon Won Gung donation campaign is going well. We have already reached 25% of our national goal. Above all, I wish to encourage you to lead all members into 100% participation, to be a part of this great historical endeavor.
True Mother is always inspired by stories of how God works in our lives, and she is happy to hear that America is on the move. If there are testimonies from our new members joining, I would be happy to share them with True Mother.
I look forward to seeing everyone’s results and hearing your testimonies. It was a great achievement during the past 21 days, and I am confident we can go even higher with our Heavenly Parent and True Parents guiding our way.
May Heavenly Parent Bless you,
Rev. Demian Dunkley
Regional President
Office of the President
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification USA
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
Tel: 212-560-3440