48th Anniversary of 1,800 Couples Marriage Blessing
Photo courtesy of Sunhak Institute of History USA
Congratulations to all the couples celebrating their 48th Blessing anniversary today!
On Feb. 8, 1975 True Parents officiated the 1,800 Couples Blessing in Seoul’s Changchung Gymnasium, the largest indoor hall in South Korea. The couples represented more than 21 nations, with about 800 couples from Japan, 109 from America or Europe, and the rest from Korea and China. Among the Western couples alone, more than half of the marriages were across national or racial lines. True Parents said this international wedding underscored the teaching of the Unification movement that God transcends all national and racial barriers, and that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth can be built based on God-centered families. The 1,800 Couples Blessing is also among all the vertical elder blessing groups identified by True Parents prior to 1992. True Father pronounced the newlyweds “couples forever” during the ceremony, in what was the largest wedding in human history at the time.
Happy anniversary to all the couples celebrating worldwide!