A Testimony from the First 40-Day Spiritual Workshop at Cheon Shim Won Las Vegas

Margaret Repke leading the 40-day workshop participants in song at the Get Ready for the Epic event

Heart is the root of everything. The core, center, motivation, makes us who we are, our essence. When our hearts are taken care of, we feel free to be adventurous, spontaneous, authentic. When our hearts are hurt, we feel closed, needing to be cautious, protected.

Testimony by Margaret Repke

The spiritual 40-day is something that America truly needs. It changed my life in a way that only Heavenly Parent and True Parents can by healing old wounds. Some people might view 40 days as long, and in a sense it was, as every day felt like several days. It was also really short when we realized how much more there is to discover and learn about our Heavenly Parent.

The younger generation dove into devotion and prayer unlike anything I had experienced in the past. I am a 36-year-old second generation who has seen and been through a lot. We were shown what kind of value prayer and devotion add to our lives. The spirit world moved when we were encouraged and given space to start resonating with it.

We realized the importance of meeting Heavenly Parent with the right frequency. We learned how to fine-tune our resonance, and our spiritual environment heightened. We can experience Heaven’s heart in our hearts, just as much as we can put our hearts into Heaven. It is the same with True Father, True Mother, and Jesus. This experience of resonance is beyond words.

The local community, both that joined us for the night vigils as well as when we joined local Sunday Services, talk about how different the atmosphere is. How our testimonies are helping to heal their family relationships. How they are going to miss the spirit we bring.

We came from three different nations (Korea, Japan, and America), and for some, it was more difficult to communicate with each other, but with the heart of Heavenly Parent, we all feel this deep connection to one another, as one family under Heavenly Parent. The providential countries came together to revive America and continue the foundation True Parents laid. This revival, a heart revolution, has taken hold and is only going to spread.

I came hurt. I came with deep shadows of the past. I came with fresh wounds that I wasn't able to let go of. How can the wounds in my heart heal after so long? How can I truly let go of the negativity?

After experiencing the spiritual 40-day workshop at Cheon Shim Won Las Vegas, I can confidently say that it is only through first resonating with True Parents’ hearts that we can truly understand Heavenly Parent's heart.

At the beginning of the workshop, I learned that Cheon Shim Won means the “Garden of God’s Heart.” That alone gave a new perspective and attitude to my prayers. The night vigils became a way of practicing the resonance to come closer to Heaven.

As I practiced, asked questions, and learned more about the different aspects of Jesus', True Mother's, True Father's, and Heavenly Parent's hearts, the closer I felt to them. Mother's heart helped heal my heart towards True Father and my dad. I have always loved my dad but the pain would outweigh the love. I finally only have peace for him.

It has brought joy, a new sense of self, a new freedom. Every day, I feel closer and closer to becoming the person who can bring Heavenly Parent and True Parents the most joy, by being my authentic self.

I feel secure and loved. This experience is only possible through the Cheon Shim Won. Entering the Garden of God’s Heart and sincerely putting my heart into devotion.

Thank you Heavenly Parent and True Parents.

If you are interested in joining the second 40-day spiritual workshop at CSW Las Vegas, learn more here. Please note that you will need to make a free account on the CSW website in order to view the information.


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