President’s Letter: Rev. Dunkley’s Reflections to True Mother on February 3, 2025
On Monday, Rev. Dunkley offered his reflections to True Mother.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Beloved Holy Mother Han, our True Mother,
Thank you for inviting us here to see you again and for working so hard to encourage and guide us all. Once again, we wish you a happy and healthy birthday in gratitude to our one and only True Parents.
For a long time, I’ve thought about how True Mother knew Heavenly Parent from a young age. On Sunday, True Mother expressed that she knew Heavenly Parent from birth and understood her own position from birth. I’ve often thought this helps us understand how Jesus came to know the truth. As the Only Begotten Son, it would have been natural for him to know God’s essence from a young age—just as it was for you.
True Mother spoke about Jesus’ life, waiting for 30 long years for others to understand his essence. This parallels True Mother’s life—waiting many long years for others to understand. In the end, we couldn’t grasp Jesus’ essence in time to support him while he was alive, but now we live in an era where we can begin to know and attend the Only Begotten Daughter.
That is why adding “In attendance to Holy Mother Han” to our prayer endings holds such deep value. The most precious thing we can participate in, at this moment in history, is attending God’s Only Begotten Daughter during her lifetime.
There are many ways we have expressed True Mother’s identity. You are our True Mother, the Mother of Peace, and the Mother of the Universe. You are God’s Only Begotten Daughter and our Wang Omma. Yet, these are all titles that represent your unique position and value. Otherwise, we have called you Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon or Mother Moon. However, True Father’s name is Moon, and True Mother’s name is Han. Among all these titles, there is only one that captures both your actual name and your position: Holy Mother Han.
Holy Mother Han is unique among all these names. Perhaps True Mother is even liberating Mother Mary, who has often been referred to as the Holy Mother. Yet, Mary knows she was unable to fulfill her responsibility in supporting Jesus’ mission, which must cause her deep anguish in the spirit world. Now, our Holy Mother Han is organizing everything to be clear and true.
Something special that I heard True Mother say on Sunday was that it doesn’t matter if you are first generation, second generation, or third generation—you must become pure water and expand to create a peaceful world. I felt that True Mother was making way for young first-generation members to feel worthy of their calling, even though they were not born in the church. I could feel True Mother embracing them in this way, and I believe this is an important message for the many new young people joining.
Our choir was made up of three generations, including new first-generation members, so all could feel embraced. I already heard testimonies from new first-generation members expressing that they felt liberated by such overwhelming love.
I also truly enjoyed seeing Shin Chul and Shin Heung singing the Monarch Butterfly song together at the luncheon. Thank you, True Mother, for allowing me to sit at your table. The steak was truly delicious, but as I reflected on your question, I considered why steak in Korea tastes different from American steak.
America is blessed, and its steak is delicious, but the steak in Korea—especially when eaten at True Mother’s table—represents thousands of years of preparation through overcoming untold suffering. Perhaps that is why the Korean steak is better—because it carries the weight of Heaven’s providence.
The luckiest cows are those that can say, “My flesh was offered to Holy Mother Han.” Perhaps that is the highest standard of attendance. We can learn a lot from creation in this way.
Thank you, Beloved Mother—our Holy Mother Han.
Rev. Demian Dunkley
President of North America