An Indomitable Spirit: IAYSP Celebrates 5th Anniversary
Photo courtesy of IAYSP (USA)
“We are creating the future of God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk to fulfill God’s dream,” wrote True Mother in her memoir, Mother of Peace (2020). “The International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) must serve the highest heavenly purpose in this time, with an indomitable spirit, never yielding to any difficulty.”
IAYSP is now celebrating five years of countless initiatives and projects bringing new breakthroughs for peace in communities around the world. Established by True Mother on February 23, 2017, at the HJ International Cultural Foundation in Gapyeong, IAYSP is designed to advance world peace by empowering youth and students to become global citizens through character education and peace projects supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It stems from True Parents’ Youth Federation for World Peace (YFWP) first created in 1994, which laid the foundation for its core messages and intercultural activities.
“We inaugurated YFWP’s successor, IAYSP, to be the special forces that build God's kingdom of Cheon Il Guk,” wrote True Mother. “In June of that year, 12,000 young people took part in the IAYSP Youth for Peace Rally in Bangkok, Thailand, where I implored them to ‘become the leading figures of the culture of filial heart and the light of the world.’”
“Then in September of 2019, at the Africa Summit and Blessing Ceremony in Sao Tome and Principe, 40,000 young people gathered at the Festival for Youth and Students,” she continued. “The capital city’s wide plaza, with its view of the beautiful sea, was packed with young people... The First Lady of Sao Tome and Principe, Nana Travoada, and the leaders of each cabinet ministry participated in celebrating the revitalization of their nation's youth. It was the largest nationwide Youth and Student Festival to date. I spared no effort to give the young people hope and encouragement.”
Today, IAYSP, including the U.S. chapter, has implemented a range of service projects addressing climate change and reforestation, to poverty, homelessness, and supporting those affected by natural disasters. Its annual S!NERGY competition — held nationally, regionally, and internationally — also serves as a platform to engage and promote the ideas of young leaders seeking to bring about a more peaceful and eco-friendly world.
“IAYSP members stand in the position of God's kingdom's loyal citizens and filial sons and daughters,” wrote True Mother. “They are the True Parents’ pride and the protectors of Heaven's Will. No matter what difficulties emerge in their time, such young people will meet those challenges and emerge victorious. They are the ones who own the future.”
“IAYSP is an umbrella association bringing together all the youth-based organizations of our global family,” said IAYSP President Dr. Robert Kittel.
From youth festivals and conferences, to peace designer training and celebrating young “heroes” making a difference in their communities, IAYSP chapters in nearly 50 countries worldwide remain steadfast to the vision of a global family of young people building a world of peace with true love.
You can learn more about IAYSP and its service projects here.