CARP Chapters Tap New Members at Campus Fairs
Photos courtesy of CARP USA
CARP chapters nationwide have kicked off the new school year by participating in campus club fairs to connect and network with more students. Establishing new membership and developing more chapters are top goals of national CARP leaders.
“[Club fairs] have been a great opportunity to present CARP to many new students and generate more exposure,” said one CARP organizer in Northern California. CARP Chabot College in the Bay Area reported there was stronger interest and a greater turnout of students looking to learn more about the campus movement — which creates programs, events, and activities that promote the principles of faith, family values, and peace, as well as the growth and support of young leaders. “Since this has been the first semester where almost all classes were in person ... there were even more sign-ups than those from the pandemic combined,” said the local CARP organizer.
Other chapters like CARP Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and New Jersey presented their club materials at multiple fairs across campuses in their area. CARP Chicago had several new members help distribute information about the chapter to other students on campus, while CARP Westminster in Utah shared a table at their campus fair with an interfaith club.
“[This is] a great way to get the semester going,” said a CARP Chicago member. “At each meeting, we get together and take part in icebreakers and make connections to prepare ourselves to hear topics based on the Divine Principle. We had amazing students come in and share their thoughts. There are also many elders who support [us], as well as our local community ... Meetings have been filled with lively discussions and laughter.”
In Boston, the CARP chapter successfully held its first “Higher Purpose Talk” at the Boston Family Church in late September. Sixteen people attended the program, including five new participants. “The event began with fellowship, tasty pizza, and mochi ice cream,” said Samuel, a local CARP member. “Participants also played a fun but challenging game of fishbowl charades to get to know one another.”
The chapter’s president delivered the main talk, which addressed ways to transform our lives into ones with a higher purpose through taking personal responsibility. “The program wrapped up with participants sharing their thoughts about the message and how it related to their own life,” said Samuel. “Overall, the event was a success, and the core staff is very proud of holding this first event open to the general public.” CARP Boston seeks to launch its first Divine Principle seminar, as well as a second Higher Purpose Talk in the coming weeks.
Nationally, CARP USA President Jinil Fleischman recently announced a “New Hope Workshop,” scheduled for January 2023 in Las Vegas, where chapter leaders will further develop ways to help new members who have read the Divine Principle gain deeper conviction in True Parents, the co-founders of CARP.
You can learn more and connect with a CARP chapter near you here.