CARP Momentum 2022: Chapters Double in One Year
Photos courtesy of CARP USA
“CARP Momentum is all about building up momentum as we go into each new school year, and I think that is what we’re experiencing,” said Jinil Fleischman, CARP USA President. “At our [leaders] workshop, you could really see and feel the spirit of our bright young people discussing CARP’s vision. There was a great sense of connection ... with a really clear sense of unity where we are all united on True Parents’ vision as CARP America.”
From July 25 to 27, CARP USA held its annual workshop for all CARP leaders at the Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) in Barrytown, New York. Some 90 college students participated in the program representing 24 states. “It was an amazing group,” said Fleischman during a recent FFWPU USA leaders’ meeting. “This was our largest CARP gathering since about 2016 ... These students are all witnessing on their campuses and leading their chapters, doing the work of our movement and True Parents on their campuses.”
From 2021 to 2022, CARP’s national presence doubled, said Fleischman — jumping from 11 to 22 states with CARP activity. Growth continued, he said, with an increase from 12 to 23 established chapters, and expanding from 31 to 47 campuses. “This doesn’t include five new potential chapters,” added Fleischman. “We have activity that’s now taking place on many more campuses and we have really grown in the past year.”
CARP leaders have been diligently working toward the group’s national goals, as they aim to have 30,000 members and 1,200 chapters nationwide by 2027. “We’re not quite there yet,” said Flesichman, “but even in just one year we have grown in pretty significant ways.”
Dr. Chung Sik Yong, Regional President, FFWPU North America, and all FFWPU USA regional leaders were on hand at the workshop to share guidance and messages of inspiration with the group. “Dr. Yong gave a really passionate speech to our leaders and called on them to really be the ones to respond to True Mother and make sacrifices,” said Flesichman. “He and his family have made a lot of sacrifices for True Parents, and so that was the spirit of his message to our CARP members — to be willing to make that kind of offering for God’s Will.”
CARP leaders also heard more about the mission of Cheon Shim Won from CheonBo staff, as well as a Q&A session and moving student testimonies. “One young lady is one of two Unificationists going to school at Princeton, and she shared about pioneering CARP there,” said Fleischman. “Despite backlash from Christians on campus, she was able to successfully establish a chapter.”
“I’m really inspired to see the growth and engagement of all our student leaders,” said FFWPU USA President Rev. Naokimi Ushiroda. “It’s very hopeful for our future.”
For Fleischman and CARP’s leaders, the new school year is already off to a powerful start. “I think this workshop was a really reviving experience for all of our students,” he said. “I think it’s giving them new life, and it’s really preparing all of us to go forward.”
You can connect with a local CARP chapter near you here.