Celebrating Three Blessing Anniversaries
1800 Couples Holy Blessing
Congratulations to all the couples around the world celebrating their 48th, 24th, and 3rd Marriage Blessing anniversaries!
On Feb. 8, 1975 and Feb. 7, 1999, True Parents officiated the 1,800 Couples Holy Blessing and 360 Million Couples Holy Blessing in Seoul, respectively. On Feb. 7, 2020 True Mother held the Hyojeong Cosmic Blessing in Korea just weeks before the Covid-19 pandemic halted international travel and restricted many activities.
The 1,800 couples Blessing in 1975 was the largest wedding in human history at the time. The couples represented more than 21 nations, with about 800 couples from Japan, 109 from America or Europe, and the rest from Korea and China. Among the Western couples alone, more than half of the marriages were across national or racial lines. True Parents said this international wedding underscored the teaching of the Unification movement that God transcends all national and racial barriers, and that the Kingdom of Heaven on earth can be built based on God-centered families. True Father pronounced the newlyweds “couples forever” in Seoul's Changchung Gymnasium, the largest indoor hall in Korea.
360 million couples Blessing
In 1999, True Parents conducted the largest Marriage Blessing to date for 360 million couples. The main venue was Seoul Olympic Stadium which was packed with 100,000 participants, many of whom had been brought by 3,000 buses. Known as “Blessing 99,” the ceremony penetrated Korean society more powerfully than previous ceremonies, in part due to Korean President Kim Dae-jung’s presence at the Segye Times’ 10th anniversary event six days before the Blessing. President Kim shared the podium with True Parents and participated in an anniversary cake cutting.
2020 International Marriage Blessing
In 2020, the last in-person international Marriage Blessing ceremony was held in Korea at the Cheongshim Peace World Center before the global pandemic closed many borders a short time later. Some 30,000 people attended from 64 countries, including 6,000 unmarried couples, 9,000 previously married couples, and 3,500 members who were registered in CheonBo Won. The event was broadcast live online in 194 countries and joined by another 600,000 couples.
Happy anniversary to the millions of couples celebrating worldwide!