God is Writing a New Narrative for America
Minister Josh Holmes, YCLC National Director
“America is faced with a serious issue of faith that has been prevailing for a number of decades and has reached its zenith,” said Young Christian Leadership Conference (YCLC) National Director Joshua Holmes. “Our younger generations are impacted the hardest by this collapse of spiritual values and morals. We, as young Christian leaders, are the ones called by God to champion these values in the world today.”
Minister Holmes was joined by several Christian pastors and young adults from the Los Angeles area for YCLC’s first program of 2022 — “Christianity in Crisis: Bringing America Back to God.” On Feb. 19, the group came together at the Los Angeles Family Church to strategize reawakening younger generations to the values of piety, purity, and peace. Faith leaders also identified key issues in America affecting God’s advancement in the country.
“YCLC seeks to begin that conversation,” said Min. Holmes. “We engaged with breakout discussions on issues such as a divided Christendom, human-centered lifestyle, sexual immorality, and America’s responsibility on the world level. We seek to bring all of our faith leaders into this mission of God’s ideal and address this crisis at hand, because we cannot effectively administer solutions until we understand God’s ideal clearly and identify the problems stopping us from reaching that ideal.”
Bishop Noel Jones of City of Refuge megachurch and Dr. Luonne Rouse, national co-chair of the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC), were among the featured speakers.
“God is writing a new story, God is writing a new narrative,” said Dr. Rouse. “And this narrative is not from the strategic plan of man. This is God’s design... to change this world and convert it to where it should be.”
“Once you know your purpose and you work to fulfill your purpose, that is the new soteriological work of God, to get you back to what God designed you for,” he said.
Min. Holmes said despite great economical advancements and new technology, humanity has lost its fervor for God. Through partnerships with other Christian organizations and collaboration with CARP, YCLC seeks to reach and educate more young people about faith. “We don’t see God acknowledged in schools,” said Min. Holmes. “YCLC is a coalition of righteous leaders standing for a culture centered on God to instill His values in our younger generations, so having a presence within the school system is important.”
About three in 10 U.S. adults report they are religiously unaffiliated, according to a recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center. In 2021, self-identified Christians made up 63 percent of the U.S. population, down from 75 percent a decade ago.
“YCLC aims to come to practical and powerful solutions so that we may be able to reach a lost generation that may be found, so we can build God’s kingdom in America right now” said Min. Holmes. “Christian leaders are the solution.”
Drawing inspiration from True Parents, who founded parent organization ACLC, the YCLC was established in Dec. 2019 to bring young Christians from all denominations into a deeper relationship with God and channel this connection into substantial local and global impact.
You can learn more about YCLC’s activities here.