“I Experienced Heavenly Parent’s Heart in the Cheon Shim Won.”
A testimony by Lisa Regidor, participant in the Cheon Shim Won USA 2nd Spiritual 40-day Workshop
My name is Lisa Regidor. My dad is Filipino and my mom is Japanese. I am 24 years old, from Queens, NY but moved to Las Vegas in 2021. I came to this workshop to become a more filial daughter to Heavenly Parent and True Parents, to have an open heart to receive what responsibility Heavenly Parent needs me to fulfill, and receive it as a blessing instead of as a duty.
I experienced Heavenly Parent’s heart in the Cheon Shim Won.
At first, I wasn’t planning to attend the special prayer since it wasn’t required and I was tired, but somehow I ended up going. The drum was so loud it shocked me, and the holy song wasn’t familiar to me. Yet when we started praying, I connected instantly. I sincerely prayed about my goals, Mother’s health, wanting to become a more filial daughter, and wanting to know and understand Heavenly Parent and True Parents more. I was desperate to know their hearts.
It was powerful. Though it was such a short amount of time, there were many tears.
After the prayer finished, I stayed behind to continue to pray. I couldn’t stop the tears. It was like a waterfall that kept flowing. Somehow I felt an overwhelming feeling of pain in my heart that hurt so much and didn’t stop. It was hard to breathe, tears kept coming, my whole body was shaking and I couldn’t calm down. This lasted for some time, and all I could think of was how to stop hurting because all I could feel was pain.
I asked, “Why was I experiencing this?” In my special resonance prayer, I said I want to be a more filial daughter and know Heavenly Parent and True Parents more. So, Heavenly Parent was sharing His/Her heart with me.
I kept crying because I was experiencing Heavenly Parent’s heart during that prayer.
When the pain finally stopped, I started to calm down. Then I started to realize though I didn’t feel the pain anymore, Heavenly Parent’s heart is always feeling this pain, this han. It's never-ending. The only way to stop it is by fulfilling Heavenly Parent’s dream. I realized to know Heavenly Parent is to experience Heavenly Parent’s heart – that is resonance. This experience continued the next day.
I was praying to be open to what responsibilities Heavenly Parent wants me to fulfill so I can be a filial daughter.
I stayed afterwards again to pray and I was praying about Heavenly Parent’s heart that I felt the day before. It was so painful, that was all I could think of, but Wang Omma, being in oneness with Heavenly Parent, must experience the same painful heart. If she experiences Heavenly Parent’s heart, then she too, cannot take away the pain.
It’s always there, but she keeps moving forward, thinking about the world, all her children, and Heavenly Parent’s heart.
The image that I saw was a heart, pumping, but with swords, blades, and knives thrust inside. Despite all the hurt Mother’s heart went through: the division between North and South Korea; persecution in Japan; lost Blessed Children; her children going to the spirit world before her; and all her suffering children who don’t know Heavenly Parent’s love. Despite all of this, she has to keep moving forward.
I was praying to become a daughter who can take away the pain, who can carefully remove the blades from her heart and cover it so it stops bleeding.
Only through fulfilling Heavenly Parent’s dream is this possible.
From these experiences, I realized when we cry and feel deeply during prayer, we are resonating with Heavenly Parent’s heart. Heavenly Parent’s heart is always in the Cheon Shim Won, it’s just a matter of if we can get on the same frequency to feel and experience Heavenly Parent’s heart.
Cheon Shim Won means “Heart of Heaven.” It only dawned on me after this experience. Though it’s been there all along, I didn’t get it until now.
I realized that only through resonance – experiencing Heavenly Parent and True Parents’ hearts – can we become their filial children.
Thank you for listening and thank you to Heavenly Parent and True Parents for giving me the chance to share this testimony.
Want to experience God’s heart? Register for the HJ Cheonbo Special Great Works April 11-13