National Blue Dragon Campaign Sprint
Our first five Shin Top Gun missionaries with Shin Heung Nim just arrived safely in New York for their orientation!
Dear Family Members,
Thank you for your dedication and love for Heavenly Parent and True Parents.
Recently True Mother mentioned, “This is the year of the Blue Dragon, which blows away all negative energy from the past. In the following year, the 13th, the number of completion, we will hold the Entrance Ceremony for the Cheon Il Sanctum of Cheon Won Gung."
Well, we are about 14 months away from the entrance ceremony for the Cheon Il Sanctum of the Cheon Won Gung, and we have a lot of heavenly work to do. Aju! But heaven is with us.
Just a few days ago, True Mother mentioned to our American leaders, “I know the burden is great for those who lead America, but please understand, America is God’s only shortcut.”
I know we kind of know that already, but… Isn’t that cool? We are God’s shortcut!
(Who ever said there is no such thing as a shortcut? Well, God wants one, and God created one. It’s called America!)
True Mother wants us to create healthy, happy communities that are growing like wildfire, and our Cheonshim Won prayers and witnessing activities are the perfect recipe! In order to help our leaders and members drive forward and harvest great fruits towards the entrance ceremony in 2025, we have divided our next 14 months into 7 periods of two months each. Each period is like a sprint. We can use each sprint to focus on core improvements for our church growth.
To that end, we have just initiated our first sprint called the Blue Dragon Campaign from Feb 26-April 24 (True Parents’ Holy Wedding Anniversary). We are asking all communities and all members to activate our witnessing efforts. This sprint will include the Blue Dragon Tour, a Blue Dragon Pilgrimage to Korea for youth and new members, and the Blue Dragon Evening Prayer Vigil. Let us pray and unite together so we can achieve great results by True Parents’ Holy Wedding.
Here are the essential outcomes I am proposing for our American movement over the next two months:
New Membership. Heaven is ready to increase the number of our new family members. I can see it. I can feel it. And True Mother has sincerely requested the American church to grow, not only for its own sake, but for the sake of the world providence, so I propose that we all participate in this together. True Father once encouraged us to think of 1/1/1. To each bring one new member each month. If you feel called to do that please do so, and True Mother is looking forward to hearing our testimonies and meeting our new members. So I ask that each of us bring a friend or guest to at least one church program per month. That can be Sunday service, a youth event, or even straight to the Cheonshim Won prayer vigil (…yes, some have already done so with great results - heaven is real!)
Attendance and tithing. Showing up and contributing is everything. Yes, there will be more opportunities to contribute to big central projects like the Cheonwon Gung, but in the meantime, I really encourage our members to tithe to local communities. I have asked all pastors to earmark any increase in local donations towards supporting our youth and improving our church environment for growth. Let us make a community that our youth and our members are proud to invite people to, Aju!?
Visitation. I have asked our pastors, in partnership with their pastoral leadership teams or volunteers, to visit each of our family members regularly. To meet together, to pray together, to listen to our members and hear about what is really going on in our lives, and to share more of what True Parents are doing in this age and encourage participation in this golden age of the providence with True Mother. If you feel called to help your local pastor in this work, please reach out to them. Most of our pastors are working way beyond their physical limits, so let us continue to help one another and move forward together as one family.
Heavenly environment. Let us cultivate a healthy, happy, heavenly environment. In our homes and communities. None of us are free from the struggles of life, even if we are blessed to know and work with True Parents. Furthermore, trying to carry the weight of the providence doesn’t make our lives simpler. However, we are blessed with great purpose, and we are lucky to be a part of this community. I truly encourage each one of us to contribute our sincere hearts in relationship with one another, and create a culture that we would be proud to show Heavenly Parent. For this, prayer is also key.
Cheonshim Won prayer vigils. Since the beginning of last year we have been able to expand the number of Cheonshim Won’s across the country. Thank you for your dedication to this providence, it is truly changing the spirit of our movement. I believe by now almost every community has a local Cheonshim Won with morning prayer vigils and HDH available daily. We will continue with this great jeongseong. Thank you to Dr. Ki Hoon Kim for leading our CSW providence from Las Vegas for the sake of the whole nation.
Announcing the new Evening Blue Dragon Prayer Vigil. To help us take our spiritual vibration to a whole new level I have asked the pastors to initiate an evening prayer vigil as well. This will be with specific focus on our current Blue Dragon Witnessing Campaign. Please pray for these precious young missionaries and let us work together to see what fruits we can harvest for True Mother by April 24, True Parents’ Holy Wedding Anniversary.
Shin Top Gun and Strategic Communities. True Mother is sending Shin Top Gun missionaries around the world to accelerate church growth. The first batch just arrived in America today, including her grandson Shin Heung Nim. So, I have selected 10 communities across America where we will be sending these missionaries and we will be paying special attention to these strategic areas over the next several months. In order to help kick things off we will be announcing the Blue Dragon Tour.
Blue Dragon Tour. I will be visiting these strategic communities to share more about the truth of the providence as revealed by True Mother and celebrate great Sunday Services together. Where possible, we will also be conducting special great works during the workshops. The strategic communities - in no particular order: Bay Area, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Chicago, Indiana, Atlanta, Capital (D.C.), Manhattan, and New Jersey.
Thank you all for recognizing True Parents during your lifetime. So now, let us substantially contribute to the completion of God’s providence during True Parents’ lifetime. This is our great blessing.
May Heavenly Parent bless you and your family.
Remember: God’s Dream, One Family,
Rev. Demian Dunkley