The Spirit of Christmas
This Christmas, December 25, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, God’s Son who selflessly gave his life to save humanity. Through Christianity, Jesus birthed a new understanding of God’s Will and providence as our Father and Creator.
True Mother asked Unificationist leaders recently to focus on the real meaning of Christmas in their holiday services—Jesus. With the secular emphasis on gift-giving and decorations, we can lose what this holiday is all about. Jesus’ impact on the world to have a higher mindset towards one another and God has resonated for two millennia.
Below is an excerpt from True Mother’s address to young Unificationists in Las Vegas on October 8, 2023, where Mother invites us to understand the true desire and mission of Jesus—finding the only begotten daughter.
“In preparing to meet the Messiah through these Spirit-led groups, Christianity should have realized that when Jesus departed this life on the cross, he promised to return and hold the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. They should have realized that the purpose of the coming of the returning Messiah was the birth of the Only Begotten Daughter.”
The people of Israel, Mary who gave birth to Jesus, and the religious leaders, did not know the original essence of Jesus. Further, they did not understand the essence of the Creator. As a result, Jesus Christ, who should have become the True Father of humankind, was crucified. As you know from history, the people of Israel went through a suffering course, living as a people without a nation for 2,000 years.
What you need to know here is that God created humankind in the divine image, male and female. Though God found Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, the only begotten Daughter did not appear. Because the people of Israel could not complete their responsibility, the only begotten Daughter could not be born to them [in this era of the Second Advent]. Thus, Heaven had to find and select a new people, and the only begotten Daughter was born on the Korean Peninsula in 1943.
True Father said Unificationists are in the unique position to liberate the heart of Jesus, as well as God, our Heavenly Parent. True Father encouraged members in his 1973 speech, “Christmas In Heart,” to embody the heart of Jesus by “taking after him” and “loving consistently the way Jesus would have liked to love each of us.”
Below is an excerpt from True Father’s speech, sharing about the foundation of Unificationism and the true spirit of Christmas.
“Today, no church, no nation, no group of people, no group of Christians, celebrate Christmas as the birth of the Messiah, the Lord of glory. Therefore, our group must reflect God’s celebration of the birth of Christ as the Lord of glory, as an individual, church, nation, representing the world.”
We are truly living in an extraordinary time in human history. We are in a position to save and liberate Jesus Christ and end his anguish. We can be in a position to liberate even God. We are the ones who can assure God His happiness, His joy, and His peace. We are going to liberate the heart of God and His anguish and sorrow. And by doing so, we are liberating all mankind and its burden and sorrow...
There are many millions of people celebrating Christmas. But no other people, no organization is celebrating Christmas in our spirit. We know for what purpose Jesus was born, for what purpose he worked, and what was the real meaning of the crucifixion ... We are the only people who truly understand the heart of Jesus, the anguish of Jesus, and the hope of Jesus. So if we celebrate Christmas in this truest sense, then the whole heavenly salvation is with us.
Let’s move into this Christmas Day with a prayerful heart to understand what Jesus’ mission and sacrifice mean to our lives.
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