WCLC 4th Anniversary: Inheriting from the Mother of Peace
Inaugural Convocation of the World Clergy Leadership Conference, 2019
“The one that Christians must seek out at the present time is the Only Begotten Daughter,” said True Mother, founder of the World Christian Leadership Conference (WCLC), during her keynote address shared during the WCLC’s special 4th anniversary webinar, “Inheriting from the Mother of Peace.”
“Jesus was the Only Begotten Son with whom Heavenly Parent could relate and call ‘My Son,’” True Mother said. “Jesus prophesied his return ... [and] Heaven had to work to find another chosen people for the Only Begotten Daughter.” In her remarks, True Mother urged faith leaders to be “one in heart and will” with her, stating that alignment in the Christian and religious realm is necessary for there to be hope for the future of humanity.
The anniversary program, which streamed live December 27, commemorated WCLC’s many achievements since its launch in 2019. True Mother described the providence as a “wilderness course” that hasn’t been carried out perfectly, explaining that, “We need to correct what has been wrong with the Christian foundation,” she said. “We need to make it clear that its true essence is in creating an environment in which the True Parents can be attended.”
True Mother recalled establishing the era of Cheon Il Guk with Foundation Day in 2013, and later fulfilling a world-level condition where “seven religious orders, seven nations, and a continent were restored,” she said. “We held a blessing ceremony in True Parents’ name in a Muslim nation,” she noted, where she was embraced as the Only Begotten Daughter and also given the title of “Mother of Peace.”
Still, going forward, True Mother said “we must educate and inspire people,” and hold an entrance ceremony in 2025 for the Holy Sanctum — dedicated earlier this year — where we can attend Heavenly Parent. “Cheonbo couples, blessed families, and citizens that attend Heavenly Parent must do so in the position of creating the environment on a national and global level,” she said.
The webinar, hosted by Patriarch George Augustus Stallings, Imani Temple founder, and Dr. Tanya Edwards, WCLC director of international affairs, featured welcoming remarks from Dr. Ki Hoon Kim, WCLC chair and senior pastor of Las Vegas Family Church, as well as congratulatory messages from several faith leaders including Imboni Dr. uZwi-Lezwe Radebe, founder of Revelation Spiritual Home; Rev. Paula White, senior pastor of City of Destiny Church; Dr. Yong Cheon Song, FFWPU international president; Rev. Demian Dunkley, FFPWU North America regional chair and USA president; Rev. John Jackson, ACLC co-chair; and Rev. Dr. Sooman Kim, KCLC co-chair.
“WCLC represents 124 nations from every continent joining this movement for peace and family,” said Rev. Paula White, who attended the founding of WCLC and has supported True Mother’s work through UPF as well as her reunification efforts of the Korean Peninsula. “ We are moved by the anointing [True Mother has] and [her] love for Jesus,” she said.
In his remarks, Dr. Song said he believed the WCLC commemoration ceremony has great significance coinciding near the birthdate of Jesus. “[We] must reveal the truth of heaven, the original essence of the Creator, Jesus, and as True Parents’ sons and daughters,” he said. “The new history given to us on this day is to build the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Rev. John Jackson, a founding member of WCLC, noted “If we keep pushing [forward], loving, and uniting, we will help the world to see us as one in God’s kingdom.”
“We in America really want to work for the sake of the world,” added Rev. Dunkley in his remarks. “There are many gifts God has prepared us to give to the world, especially through our faith leaders and Christian faith leaders.”
You can watch the full WCLC 4th anniversary webinar here.