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This podcast calls all Americans to unite as one family under God, embracing peace as our choice. Each episode explores how peace begins within us, featuring heartfelt conversations, personal stories, and inspiring interviews. Discover how self-realization fosters service to others and real change through love-driven actions.
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You may know us as the Unification Church or the Moonies (a derogatory term, by the way). These are the firsthand stories of how our members joined this new religious movement and why they stayed.
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Get Scripture on the go! Godible is a daily reading of holy texts, known in the Unificationist community as Hoon Dok Hae.
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National Affiliates
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles.
Young adulthood is often when we form our identities in such a way as to define our life’s purpose and shape our destiny. It is a crucial time to find guiding principles and ideals that will lead to a meaningful future. That’s where we come in. CARP is the collegiate ministry of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, commonly known as the “Unification Church.” We welcome individuals of any cultural, ethnic, or religious background. We provide an environment where students and young adults can contemplate important life questions, seek answers, and improve their lives through practice, based on our Three Core Principles:
God - Renew our spirituality through seeking truth and relating with God as our Parent
Family - Realize one family under God through practicing integrity and true love
Peace - Raise true leaders who create a peaceful environment and united world
About the Universal Peace Federation
Universal Peace Federation (UPF), an international and interreligious network of individuals and organizations, including representatives from religion, government, civil society and the private sector, is dedicated to achieving world peace. An NGO in general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, UPF supports the work of the United Nations, particularly in the areas of interfaith peacebuilding, peace education, and the strengthening of marriage and family.
UPF Mission
The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) is a global network of individuals and organizations dedicated to building a world of peace in which everyone can live in freedom, harmony, cooperation and prosperity. Peace is not simply the absence of war or a term that applies only to the relationships among nations. Peace is an essential quality that should characterize all relationships.
UPF advocates renewal of the United Nations, including a proposal that the UN create an interreligious council within its structures. UPF implements its programs through a global network of Ambassadors for Peace.
UPF encourages all religions to dialogue and cooperate for peace based upon the recognition that human dignity derives from a universal divine source that is the basis of harmony and unification.
UPF offers relief and humanitarian programs, service-learning projects, character education and sports programs with a special focus on personal leadership and peacemaking skills.
A coalition of clergy united to rebuild the family, restore the community, renew the nation and the world. We uphold marriage between man and woman as divine by design (Gen 1:27) and believe the family is the cornerstone of society and key to building God's Kingdom on earth. To that end we are committed to being the Clergy Blessing Movement.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The Women's Federation for World Peace is a women's organization that promotes women as an essential ingredient in creating a peaceful global society. The organization is united globally by this vision while addressing the unique issues and barriers in each region on the grassroots level and through high-level events.
WFWPI was founded in 1992 in the Republic of Korea and quickly expanded to over 100 countries. Only five years later, WFWPI was granted General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
We strive to build a better world by preparing the leaders of tomorrow.
Generation Peace Academy EMPOWERS the next generation to DISCOVER and take OWNERSHIP of their FAITH, practice a LEADERSHIP OF LOVE, and learn to SURPASS DIFFERENCES of race and religion.
Embark on a spiritual journey
Cultivate character
Develop lifelong relationships
Generation Peace Academy has almost 30 years of history since it began in 1994 as “Special Task Force”. Over the years it has changed its name to Generation Peace Academy, but it has always been about supporting young people to develop a personal life of faith and lifelong character skills. The program has expanded to include a branch of international missionaries and domestic missionaries. Read more by clicking the button above.
Other Departments
As Family Federation, we aim to bring peace to the world through intentional, inter-familial relationships centered on God. We believe the family is the core of our existence.
We understand life with little ones can be quite busy! Between work, drop-offs, sports, making dinner, bath time, sleepless nights and keeping up with all the laundry, intentional time together as a family can fall to the wayside. The Family Project, an initiative of the Family Ministry of Family Federation USA, will take the mental load off your shoulders by sending you intentionally curated weekly activities to make sure this year with your family is the best and most meaningful one yet!
“The word ‘death’ is sacred. It is not a synonym for "sadness and suffering." True Parents have created the term Seonghwa [ascension] to explain the true significance of death. The moment we enter the spirit world should be a time that we enter a world of joy and victory with the fruits born of our lives on earth. It is a time for those of us remaining on earth to send off the departed with joy. It should be a time for great celebration. We should be shedding tears of joy instead of tears of sadness. That is the way of the sacred and noble Seonghwa Ceremony, the first step the spirit of the departed takes toward enjoying eternal life in attendance of God, within His embrace.”
– True Parents, July 8, 2010 -
Next Gen Ministry is the hub for all Youth and Young Adult in the Family Federation.
Let's Build Happy Healthy Tribes
TribeNet is a community of Blessed Families around the country who are dedicated to Tribal Messiahship in their local areas. Coming together creates an atmosphere of inspiration through listening to each other’s experiences and supporting one another.
Find everything you need to achieve victory for your tribe
As Family Federation, we aim to bring peace to the world through intentional, inter-familial relationships centered on God. We believe the family is the core of our existence.
We understand life with little ones can be quite busy! Between work, drop-offs, sports, making dinner, bath time, sleepless nights and keeping up with all the laundry, intentional time together as a family can fall to the wayside. The Family Project, an initiative of the Family Ministry of Family Federation USA, will take the mental load off your shoulders by sending you intentionally curated weekly activities to make sure this year with your family is the best and most meaningful one yet!

International Connections
Merchandise, books, etc. (formerly HSA Books)
Family Fed USA’s official Amazon store
Official Family Fed USA photo gallery
CHOSEN online courses
International HQ media, event replays, etc.